
E-Commerce And Online Shopping Essay

Decent Essays

E-Commerce and Online Shopping
Internets make life simple and innovate. People are doing business online and trades have become more easy and fast due to this. Internet provides new customs to promote business. Website becomes the essence of online business like to show their services and products. Internet gathers all competitors and consumers in one place. It brings new way to promote, adversities products and services in market (Barry Silverstein, 2002, p.3).
Online customers are always seeking new products, new attractiveness and the most important thing being compatibility with their budget. The internet is the best way to save time and money through purchasing online within their range of budget on home or in anywhere. Online customers don’t have limits to online shopping. They also apply internet for comparison of prices of goods and services, news, visit social networks and search information and so on. The depressions have thus much impact on online customer’s behaviour (Rodriguez, 2009, p.3.). Online shopping behaviour depends on four factors such since shopping motives. Personality variables, internet knowledge and experience and last factors are shopping incentive. These are key determinants to influence the behaviour of online customers. Online seekers are …show more content…

Initially, customers usually screen a large set of products in order to indentify a division of promising alternatives that appears to meet their needs. They then evaluate the division in greater strength, performing relative comparisons across products based on several attractive that the interactive tools design to assist consumers in the original showing of a available alternative and to facilitate in-depth comparison among selected alternative in an online shopping environment may have string positive effect on both the quality and the efficiency of purchase

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