
EAAO Performance Review

Decent Essays
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I am writing to appeal the grade I received for my first midterm paper because I believe that I deserve a higher score for both EAAO” (Evidence, Argument, and Analysis, Organization) and the “general feedback and overall performance”. I followed the midterm paper guidelines as it stated and I will explain why. I received incredibly low scores for both of those evaluation criteria’s. I received 6’s for both of them, which is labeled as “poor performance”, worse than “below average”. I believe that I do not deserve 6’s for either of those two criteria’s because 6’s are scores meant to be given out to students that barely tried writing their paper properly or did not clearly understand the topic or evidence or wrote it last minute, and my paper …show more content…

White men were the founders and owners, but White women benefited from it as well.
Comment #10: you marked me down for EAAO and commented to elaborate more on what the views of the First and Second Estate, but I did in the sentence before and after. I explained how they viewed the Third Estate and how they treated them in my own analysis/logic.
Comment #13: you stated that I have lack of evidence within that paragraph, but the evidence is right there with my own logical reasoning and analysis of it. I used appropriate source of information, which was used to support my …show more content…

The paragraph after that, I discussed lay theory and presented evidence that migrant repeat the trauma itself.
Comment #37: I stated American and European people in that topic sentence, and on how the delusion or myth of the American “pursuit of happiness” derived from Europe.
Comment #40: that was a part of my own logic from the course material and used it as a logical step to flow with my evidence and argument in the following sentences after that.
Comment #42-44: #42 my point on that was to discuss the second part of my thesis, which was the delusion of the “pursuit of happiness” to keep people in control which derived from the Third Estate. #43 I believe that source of evidence backed my argument because Arendt explained that the idea of the “pursuit of happiness” would help build a new political space and keep people in control from that delusion because of fear. #44 I don’t understand why I was marked down for lack of evidence when I presented substantial evidence and analysis right

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