I am writing to appeal the grade I received for my first midterm paper because I believe that I deserve a higher score for both EAAO” (Evidence, Argument, and Analysis, Organization) and the “general feedback and overall performance”. I followed the midterm paper guidelines as it stated and I will explain why. I received incredibly low scores for both of those evaluation criteria’s. I received 6’s for both of them, which is labeled as “poor performance”, worse than “below average”. I believe that I do not deserve 6’s for either of those two criteria’s because 6’s are scores meant to be given out to students that barely tried writing their paper properly or did not clearly understand the topic or evidence or wrote it last minute, and my paper …show more content…
White men were the founders and owners, but White women benefited from it as well.
Comment #10: you marked me down for EAAO and commented to elaborate more on what the views of the First and Second Estate, but I did in the sentence before and after. I explained how they viewed the Third Estate and how they treated them in my own analysis/logic.
Comment #13: you stated that I have lack of evidence within that paragraph, but the evidence is right there with my own logical reasoning and analysis of it. I used appropriate source of information, which was used to support my
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The paragraph after that, I discussed lay theory and presented evidence that migrant repeat the trauma itself.
Comment #37: I stated American and European people in that topic sentence, and on how the delusion or myth of the American “pursuit of happiness” derived from Europe.
Comment #40: that was a part of my own logic from the course material and used it as a logical step to flow with my evidence and argument in the following sentences after that.
Comment #42-44: #42 my point on that was to discuss the second part of my thesis, which was the delusion of the “pursuit of happiness” to keep people in control which derived from the Third Estate. #43 I believe that source of evidence backed my argument because Arendt explained that the idea of the “pursuit of happiness” would help build a new political space and keep people in control from that delusion because of fear. #44 I don’t understand why I was marked down for lack of evidence when I presented substantial evidence and analysis right
5. Evidence 246-271 (Read all the evidence before you begin to take your notes on each individual peice)
Let’s break down this case based on the four principles of our textbook. We will
Identify the counterclaim and highlight it [green]. Is there a transition (e.g., some might argue…) that clearly separates this opposing viewpoint from the writer’s argument? Is the counterclaim supported with evidence and warrants? Make note of missing elements.
The author, Susan Ware, begins by laying the groundwork for the women’s network. During the 1930’s, many different organizations began to evolve to include women in their decision-making. The backbone to this movement seems to lie deep within the White House. The First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt, held a great
Mankind must by this time have acquired positive beliefs as to the effects of some actions on their happiness; and the beliefs which have thus come down are the rules of morality for the multitude, and for the philosopher until he has succeeded in finding better. That philosophers might easily do this, even now, on many subjects; that the received code of ethics is by no means of divine right; and that mankind have still much to learn as to the effects of actions on general happiness, I admit or rather earnestly maintain.
According to the material, Americans are taught that their behaviors and choices made come from within themselves. This particular characteristic asserts the position of individualism. Individualism drives Americans to believing that there is uniqueness about themselves and their situation. The belief of emphasizing a human’s ability to choose is strengthened by American cultural narratives. This belief also leads to the fundamental narrative of American culture: Regeneration through regression.
According to the stereotypes exposed by Wells, white men understood the rape of a white woman by a black man to be an insult to their manhood [5] , whereas the rape of a black woman by a white man could not be a “punishable crime” because of her status as a “bad woman.” The racial ideology at the root of such thinking allowed white men to define lynching not as terrorism or race and gender control, but as the right action to avenge their manhood. [6] Through her reports, Wells challenged other women as well as men to join the anti-lynching campaign. The Association of Southern Women to Prevent Lynching was a subsequent group of white women that was established in the 1930s as a result of the events documented in A Red Record. Wells is also credited as one of the founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, an organization that began a widespread campaign against lynching and mob violence around 1910 and is the oldest civil rights organization in the United States. [7]
In Adam Grant’s essay entitled “Does Trying to Be Happy Make Us Unhappy” , in the first sentence the author claims that in the pursuit of happiness that many try to achieve, that path tends to have the inverse effect and actually make one unhappy. The author does this with the use of studies that directly correlate with a story of an individual by the name of Tom, and his struggles in life due to him focusing on trying to be happy, and that making him unhappy in due. The author starts with this to draw in readers to understand what it is that the essay will be discussing in future paragraphs.
work to tend to, working class white women were required to do the same which means that they
The National League of Women Voters (NLWV) was established in the 1920’s to help educate women about their rights, study national social policy, and take part in local politics. In 1923 Representative Mae Ella Nolan of California became the first woman to chair a congressional committee. Culturally, the first generation of women in Congress had several commonalities and they were all white. Right to having high jobs such as in congress was very important to women because then they can give more freedom to themselves and it shows
The systematic, oppressive dehumanization of black womanhood was not a mere consequence of racism. It was a calculated method of social control, manipulation, and misogyny. With capitalism on the forefront of the American society during the Reconstruction years, and a booming manufacturing economy was on the rise, white supremacy capitalism patriarchy needed a group to be at the very bottom of the social hierarchy, a scapegoat. That scapegoat was black women. Manumitted black women showed that when given the same opportunities to live their lives like humans, they surpassed and excelled in all areas. Their success was a direct challenge to the racist ideologies that darker races were inherently inferior. Racist
White women joined the fight against slavery and the middle-class housewives were the ones who had enough leisure time to start organizations. As they were getting involved and
Dr. Gosby’s Comments: This student did an excellent job of applying the ideas we discussed in class relating to the obedience to authority
all to gain independence for them. However I think it favored more for the white women, than
Section Two: Present the position that you most agree with. Then, give ample evidence to