As an educator, I have strived to develop academic, social and emotional competencies in my students through creating a positive, enthusiastic and nurturing classroom environment with ample opportunities for hands-on experiences. I am passionate about fostering confident and curious lifelong learners by providing all students with opportunities to succeed in the classroom. I believe the role of a Early Childhood teacher is to address the necessary balance between academic facilitation within the classroom, and promoting a broadened cultural understanding of the world outside the classroom as a global citizen. To encourage each child to be themselves and help them gain self-esteem. Also, as a bilingual speaker I strongly believe in the importance of foreign language and cultural diversity, especially within the minds of young, developing learners.
In my career, I have created
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My role as a teacher is to continue to find ways to make this happen every day for these children and to take the time to learn more about the diversity I teach for and provide lessons that cater to each culture to help learn more about each other. Other important aspects of my role are to ensure the children are always safe not only while in my care but also while they are at home by conducting home visits and allowing time to communicate with parents. Being a teacher has highly impacted my life and view on children. Teaching is truly self-rewarding, seeing how much the children grow and learn is amazing. I truly love being a part of their learning adventure and providing them the guidance they need to succeed. I look forward to continuing my education and continuing to provide my services to children to help them lead successful happy
Preschool teachers have not been given the credit they deserve, with lots of people over looking their importance. Being a preschool teacher is more than just watching a couple of kids for a couple of hours. This field requires a lot preparation and behind the scene work that put into the job, so it really is not as easy as it may seem. Preschool could possibly shape the rest of their academic lives. At this level of school the children learn their basic building blocks for learning that they will use forever. That leaves parents with big expectations for the teacher. And for the teacher, they will have to set goals, have a plan to reach those goals, and for the most part
Chapter eight is about promoting communication and language development in early childhood education. Early communication is mostly non-verbal. Communication goes beyond the words we use; it develops with the use of gestures, facial expressions, hand movements and positioning of our body. Some of the first displays of communication by infants include, smiling, fussing and looking at an area, person or object. Later, communication extends to give signals such as pointing, reaching and body movements to indicate a want or need. The primary functions of early communication are behavior regulation, social interaction, and calling joint attention. Students with visual impairment and other disabilities are at risk for developing communication and
To help children advance physical and intellectual competence as a childcare provider you should always find ways to incorporate fun aspects into learning. This can be established through the use of technology. Technology as we all may know is something that we use daily. It makes finding out information simple, easy and accessible for little kids with the help of a parent. Websites such as Star fall and ABCYA are two sites that offer children a fun and easy to access source of learning that they can do at home or on the go. Through the use of technology we can help our children excel and develop cognitively as well as use computers and other gadgets in an engaging way.
As an early childhood educator, my mission is to encourage, inspire, support and motivate students while providing a fun, safe, and affectionate environment which builds friendships and lays the foundation for students to become life-long learners.
Teaching early childhood children is not a job that should be taken lightly. At this age, you are building the foundation of learning and setting the precedence of what they see school as. It is my role as an educator to take responsibility for every child’s educational development. Each day in an early childhood classroom is full of challenges, but it is also full of laughs, smiles, and enthusiasm to learn. I firmly believe that every child is capable of learning, however, every child learns in their own pace and in their own way. Children need to feel that their teacher cares for them and is enthusiastic about their learning. This will help motivate them and maximize their learning. From there, the sky is the limit in the classroom! As an educator, I need to be conscious of learning and social development in order to reach every child and make sure they succeed. It is my job to see that every student is growing both academically and socially.
Chapter two discusses various theorists that helped to mold and shape early childhood education to where it is today. There are several different theorists that contributed to the development of early childhood education. Some of these theorists include Alfred Adler, Jean Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and John Dewey. Each theorist developed a unique theory that has caused early childhood guidance and education to flourish like it has today. Without learning and building on these theories, early childhood guidance and education would never develop or change. The chapter explains how some theories may seem strange to the contemporary families, but these theories are the foundation of how early childhood education got to where it is today. The book goes
I am a student at Florida Atlantic University studying early childhood education. I am enrolled in EEC 3214 class this semester; the class is called designing and implementing a blending curriculum: birth to age eight. I am required to complete a field experience assignment at a preschool. I will observe young children ranging from three to five years old. I assure you that I will keep all information confidential. In addition, I reassure you that I will not share the information collected outside of my course and that no identifying information will be shared. I will respect and follow all the school’s policies and procedures in a professional manner.
My philosophy of Early childhood education is based on research that indicates that a child’s growth is developmental. Every child is unique in terms of life experiences, developmental readiness, and cultural heritage. A high quality early childhood program that provides a safe and nurturing environment, which promotes physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive development will ensure a positive continuation of the child’s education process
I believe that as an early childhood educator my goal will be to promote the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of each child. I also believe that play should be the base of learning since children learn best by doing. I believe that a balance between teacher-directed and child-initiated activities is essential balance can be developed by using the developmentally appropriate practice approach, which means that activities should be “appropriate for each child and relevant to the child’s ability, needs and interests, also including the child’s family and being respectful to the child’s culture.
As an early childhood educator I believe each child is an exceptional unique individual that needs to be provided a secure and loving environment in which they are able to grow emotionally, physically, socially and intellectually. My longing is to help each and every one of my students explore their creativity, understand their emotions and learn self-regulation along with social skills and the best of academics that I can possibly provide. The role I have as an educator is to guide my students while allowing them to explore their curiosities about the world around them and academics to blossom while teaching respect and caring for others.
Early Childhood Education illustrates the teaching and care of children in other environments outside of the home. Early childhood centers on the development of all children no matter their gender, race, abilities, or ethnic orientation and gives knowledge of early childhood learning process, which entails values, culture, desires of parents for their children, and especially a child’s need for knowledgeable functionality in society.
The education of the young mind is an important step in preparing the child for future learning experiences. The evolution of early childhood education has changed how adults and parents view the importance of offering stimulating and exciting opportunities to the very young. Early childhood Education offers the young child learning experiences that benefit them throughout their educational career. They soon embark on a whole new world of learning. These children are not only experiencing standard brain growth, but verbal and physical skills as well. Early childhood education teachers use a variation of techniques for instructing. They use lesson plans, worksheets, and even teacher resources for these young minds.
The Early Development and Learning program follows the Early Childhood Education program with the exception of the student teaching experience. Early development and learning majors take part in an internship. Students of this major are not eligible for teaching certification.
Early childhood education is one of the most important policy topics out there. Research has proven that the early years in childhood is a critical period for opportunity to develop a child’s full potential; as well as form academic, social, and cognitive skills that determine not only success in school but also their entire life (The White House). The right to a free, public education is guaranteed to all children in the United States. Early education is voluntary, and therefore some children are not given the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Early education for children is very crucial as it helps shape up the foundation of their knowledge and behavior development process. Children begin to develop the sense of curiosity from the age of two. And from age 2-8, children go through a very crucial period of mental development, which shapes up their future mindset (Grayson, 2016). Early children education (ECE) has been listed as the number one priority of the National Association of Education. The teachers or educators at nursery and primary level are responsible to for developing young children’s sense of knowledge and education. In this paper, we will assess the roles and skills that are vital for an early childhood educator. Moreover, the paper will also present a