
Eastern and Western Medicine Essay

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Eastern and Western Medicine

The complex structure and foreign nature of Tibetan medicine makes it difficult to relate its practices to Western medicine, making it difficult to determine the clinical efficacy of Eastern medical practice. Several clinical analysis studies have recently been performed in order to determine the efficacy of the “holistic” practices of Eastern cultures. Whether the studies show Eastern or Western practices to be more effective, I believe that the most effective treatment should be a combination of both practices.

Eastern and Western practices differ on many levels. One of the main differences between these two methods is the way in which medicine is actually practiced. Western medicine is heavily …show more content…

It is a strong belief of the Tibetans that their karma of previous lives plays a significant role in their health.5

Tibetan medicine practices the belief that methods must be practiced as equally as they are learned academically. Misinterpretations of certain Buddhist aspects of Eastern medicine create difficulties in relating Eastern and Western principles. Some Westerners feel that all you need to practice medicine in the East is a strong sense of compassion to help people, without having any real knowledge of the medical practices: “A few weekend courses and all the good intentions in the world it would seem is all that is thought to be necessary.” (Dummer p. 11). This, however, is not the case at all. Eastern practitioners spend years learning medical procedures and techniques before going into practice. They are also fully educated in the spiritual aspects of medicine as well, as for religion plays a significant role in Eastern practices. Inadequate training may result in improper care and detrimental diagnosis to those who may be seriously ill or suffering from undiagnosed diseases.7

Eastern medicine also differs from Western practices in the way in which the human body is classified. In Tibetan medicine, the constituents of the body are quantified more on an observatory and physical basis, rather than the scientific and technological methods used in Western medicine. Tibetan practice

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