
Easy Sales and Using the Internet for Sharing and Accessing Information

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The Internet is a powerful channel for sharing and accessing information. Because of this, people tend to use it often to conduct research because they can get unlimited information with no time limit according to on 11th oct.

Through the internet ,business owners like Easy Sales and its employees can connect with customers and other people about the products that they are selling easier. Setting up a website is one simple way on how to connect with the customers effectively and cost saving. Living in such modern and technology age, people can access to internet so easy. Instead of customer going to the store to get information about the product or general info, they can just browse the business' website from their home or anywhere. Moreover, if they wish to ask question, customers can email Easy Sales to get the answer. Easy Sales can provide customers with alot of different information in the business website like contact number, location of stores, product information and also business history.

Since nowadays social media plays a big role in the internet, Easy sales can use social media to advert their products easily and fast. For example facebook, by opening a fanpage of Easy Sales, customers can follow them in facebook by clicking "like" in order to keep update. So everytime Easy Sales update its page, it will be in the timeline of people that follow them. For people that don't own facebook account, they can still see Easy Sales

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