
Ebp Essay

Decent Essays

Elevated blood pressure (EBP), based on adult treatment panel III (ATPIII) , is described as a systolic BP (SBP) ≥130 mmHg and/or diastolic BP (DBP) ≥ 85mmHg(1, 2). Research has suggested that in last 2 decades, the prevalence of hypertension has continued to soar and estimated to cause 7.5 million deaths and approximately 12.8% of the worldwide mortality rate(3, 4). Approximately 25% adult Iranians had hypertension; additionally 46% had prehypertension.(5, 6) Elevated blood pressure is associated with several factors including genetic, environmental, lifestyle and psychosocial factors(7, 8).In this vein, dietary intake is one of the mainenvironmental risk factors related to elevated blood pressure(8, 9). Established modifiable risk factors for elevated BP are lower intakes of calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, vegetable protein, glutamic acid, polyunsaturated fatty acids (PFA) . Other dietary factors possibly related to elevatad blood pressure …show more content…

Given that dietary eating patterns in Iranian people includes the high consumption of carbohydrate, so that, the mean percentage of the total energy intake from carbohydrate is about 65%, and the total carbohydrate consumption from bread (34.2%) and rice (14.8%) are also significant. Besides, potato, and snack foods which have a high GI, are among those foods rich in carbohydrate available to Iranian population. Thus increased consumption of foods with high GI and GL, may elicit the higher prevalence of blood pressure risk factors (21). Considering the limited data on dietary GI and GL in Iranian adults, the aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between GI, GL, and hypertension in women

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