
Eco Friendly Sustainability Consultancy And Fee Structure

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Eco-Friendly sustainability consultancy is intended to be a full-time business:
Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm
Saturdays and evenings will be consultation, measuring and quoting jobs.

7. Marketing Strategy
Our target markets will be small and medium sized existing buildings seeking sustainability consultancy in the surrounding region. Eco-Friendly Sustainability Consultancy will market its services by placing an ad in the yellow pages, listing with all local business and industry associations, developing a brochure to be distributed to lending institutions and clients, becoming an active member of a number of construction and consulting associations, networking with the local business community, and developing …show more content…

Eng. F. Abraham will join local construction consulting associations to maintain contacts in the construction community as well as to stay well informed about the business issues that are important to local businesses.
Description of Key Competitors
There are few sustainability consulting companies focusing only on maintenance of existing small and medium sized buildings in the United Kingdom.
Mostly are large consulting firms (more than 30 employees) that offer consulting services to small and medium sized businesses. However, these large firms cannot cost effectively service this market due to high overhead and labour costs. Small and medium sized businesses usually cannot afford the high hourly fees charged by these firms. Business from this target market does not represent a significant portion of the revenues generated by these large firms which all specialize in new projects.

Analysis of Competitive Position
Eco-Friendly sustainability Consultancy will be the only consulting firm in the region specializing in providing sustainability consulting services to small and medium sized existing building refurbishment. Eco-Friendly sustainability consultancy has a competitive advantage in this area due to the innovative unique idea.
However, as a new business, it may take time to establish a strong client base and develop a reputation as a small business specialist.

Pricing Strategy
Eco-Friendly sustainability Consultancy services will be priced

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