
Economics of Daily Life Essay

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Economics of Daily Life
Leah Hand
Stevens-Henager College

Economics of Daily Life
Economics is a study of how society manages its scarce resources. The literal translation for economy is “one who manages a household.” “In an increasingly complex world connected by social and economic interaction and interdependence, news of stock market fluctuations, consumer confidence scores, and various economic indicators fill the media” (Broome & Preston-Grimes, 2011). This means that economics is everywhere, even in a home. Every household makes decisions that follow the economic principles. There are tradeoffs, and incentives. Supply and demand regularly show up in a household setting, as do decisions regarding limits on price and time. I …show more content…

There is also the trade-off of being with friends or keeping my house clean. I could probably list a few hundred tradeoffs that occur during my day. Another principle of economics is incentive. Incentives are a form of motivation for a person to do something; a simple example of incentives is being paid working wages. The Montessori school children in the study had an incentive for their school to do well; the profit would be funds for a school trip at the end of the year. The better their school store did the more money they had at the end of the year (Broome & Preston-Grimes, 2011). Incentives are one of the principles that show up in my daily life regularly. With four children in one house, the concept of incentives is crucial. There are chores to be done daily, and the incentive of money as a reward is one of the incentives I use.
In my job, I also receive the incentive of money for working. Incentives also show up while driving; not getting a speeding ticket is the incentive for driving the speed limit. Tradeoffs and incentives are only two of the ten principles that I come across in my life at home.
Not only am I a mom but I am a manager of a floral shop in a town close to me. Supply and demand are so very apparent in my field, and it is a very fluid thing. The supply that I handle daily is obviously the flowers. Our flowers come from various places from all over the world. Supply is based on

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