
Educating The Mind Without Educating Our Heart Is No Education At All

Satisfactory Essays

‘Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.’(Aristotle). This quote stood out to me as I feel it is absolutely crucial in order to learn; this quote also supports Maslow’s Hierarchy as it suggests there is more to learning then having a pedagogy. My first theme for my learning journal will be to demonstrate an appreciation to the lifelong learning; in order to do this is will reflect on my own personal learning journey and to discuss different types of learning. The second theme I will focus on is to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of barriers to learning; and to what influences a person to carry on learning or what causes them to distance themselves from learning. In my third theme I will demonstrate an understanding of key theories of learning where I will outline and discuss key theories relating to how people learn. My final theme is to evaluate the effectiveness of strategies to advance learning in schools; in order to do this I will outline different approaches in order to improve advance learning within schools.
There are two main types of learning that can occur; formal and informal learning. Formal learning is perceived as intentional learning and is typically provided by an educational or training institution. Formal learning is structured in terms of learning and in most cases there will be a curriculum or a guidelines in place to follow. Formal learning is when a teacher takes on the role of being in loco parentes; where the

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