
Education Is A Unique Experience For Every Child Who Enters A Classroom

Decent Essays

Introduction Dr. Seuss once said, “Don’t give up. I believe in you all. A person’s a person no matter how small.” I believe education is a unique experience for every child who enters a classroom. Each child is unique and deserves a safe and secure classroom with a teacher full of passion for each child’s education. After classroom experience and observing many inspiring educators, I have created a personal philosophy that includes goals for my students, a method for enacting the goals, and assessing students’ goals to ensure proper development of each student. I have a desire to support each student to reach their fullest potential. I strongly believe in every student and my students will know that.
Goals for Student Learning The …show more content…

I will encourage them to push beyond Bloom’s knowledge level. Students will be demonstrating critical thinking. They will be immersed in different activities where they are making meaning and knowledge by asking questions, researching, inventing, and interacting. Students will make connections with the outside world. Students will also think creatively in order to make meaning on their own. Instead of seeking the teacher, students will make models to answer their own questions. Students need to know the importance of education. If they know the reason behind learning, then they will more likely participate in learning. Participating in learning is where students are actively engaged in the lesson. Students should be listening, participating in discussion, and giving positive feedback to their classmates. I want my classroom to be more student-centered than teacher-centered.
Enactment of Goals In order to achieve the goals for student learning, I will use a variety of teaching methods in my classroom. I believe all students learn differently. Therefore, differentiating instruction is imperative to reach all learning styles. Lunenburg (2014) discusses how Gardner discovered that all students exhibit all nine intelligences, but some of them are stronger than others. I want to be able to focus on their stronger areas so they learn more, however; I want to focus on their weaker areas so they can reach their full potential. I

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