
Education Is Not Preparation For Life

Decent Essays

John Dewey once said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." He is conveying the idea that learning is an active process, that should occur to enhance one 's living and understanding thereof. When one only views education as a temporary matter, that person misses the big picture and fails to grasp what life genuinely is. Paulo Freire believes in having the opportunity to discover for oneself all that the world has to offer, with the slight guidance from a teacher. He also says, “Education must begin with the solution of the teacher-student contradiction, by recoiling the poles of the contradiction so that both are simultaneously teachers and students.” Freire introduces the idea that we are all obliged to learn from each other, that no one person is ever higher in the world of education. Although some might have studied for longer, or been exposed to certain subjects at a greater depth, we all can learn from another 's perceptions and life experiences.We all have a unique perspective on things, and teachers should allow us to discover and interpret for ourselves.
Opposed to Freire 's view, is the opinion that teachers should teach and students should simply absorb what they are being told. They should listen and soak up as much knowledge as possible but not question what they are learning. Many times teachers are able to get through more material this way, and some would argue this makes us smarter as students.
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