How does a good teacher be awarded such a title? What exactly defines a good teacher? Did they not give homework on Fridays or were they the one who helped you finally understand calculus? Either way, they most likely exhibited a complex understanding of the pedagogical competencies along with a development of their own. They had a clear understanding of what their wanted to accomplish, defined their style, and can intertwine static and dynamic content. They also learned how to effectively communicate, while also working to perfect their skills. The competencies are the backbone to an effective style of teaching.
Purpose refers to the goal that the teacher wishes to accomplish through their teachings. This includes their attitude they accompany the lessons with, as well as their style with each lesson. This first competency is very important, in any profession you must question why you want to accomplish it. A lawyer may want to provide justice to those who break the law or a doctor might want to change the world through development of new treatments for different diseases. An educator is no different, so early reflection of why someone chooses education as a career will aid in their development as a teacher. My belief is students in our schools are future leaders and are looking to be inspired, making the classroom the perfect environment. My other philosophy is something that is very prevalent in today's society, the notion of acceptance. Although there is a curriculum to
2) I believe sharing support of ELLs and ensuring an inclusive approach relies greatly on the teachers themselves, specifically the classroom and ELL teacher. Fairbaim & Jones-Vo mention two things that I believe would work these are collaboratively planning lessons and co-teaching. By planning lessons together, both teachers are on the same page, They each understand the respected needs of their students and able to work together to create ways in which lessons are excited to optimize student success. I also think having another person perceptive is beneficial as their teaching experiences may offer you some guidance. In terms of co-teaching, I think this directly benefits the students. We all have different ways of teaching and I think students
My teaching philosophy is to create an environment that stimulates learning so that students gain the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to become proficient professionals. While teaching foundational knowledge is important, there are other essential skills and abilities that students must acquire in order to successfully transition from being a student to becoming a physical therapy professional. These skills and abilities include thinking critically as well as interacting and communicating effectively with patients and other health care practitioners. I emphasize to students that it is imperative to realize the impact of developing a therapeutic rapport with patients while providing quality, patient-centered care to optimize the healing process. Therefore, when deciding what to teach, I not only consider the content presented, but also how I can foster discussions with students so that they can apply information based on varying contextual factors. I also attempt to provide students a framework for how to achieve professional excellence, which I aim to model as I fulfill my roles and responsibilities as a teacher and provider of clinical instruction. This framework is rooted in five central tenets:
Ever since I decided to pursue a career in the field of education, I always wondered what grade level best fitted me. Could it be Elementary, where children have been stereotyped as uncontrollable little brats, Middle School, where the students are depicted as uncontrollable, rebellious students, or High School, oh gee whiz? I have decided that I would pursue a career in Elementary School. The grade level I hope to teach is at the elementary school level. My current goal is to either teach the 4th or 5th grade level. Moreover, throughout the semester I have read about or seen different philosophies through the observations I have done throughout the semester. While reading chapter 6 in the class text I thought to myself, as an educator
The learning experience should be that of a collective nature where students are able to indiscriminately relate to the information, re-teach the information and have a balanced incorporation of all the learning centers in society; including the home and the church. The goal of this incorporation is to create a balanced learning environment that facilitates holistic development in the young mind. As professionals entrusted with the shaping of young minds, teachers must facilitate learning and personal, spiritual, ethical and academic development. My philosophy for education is a multi-part philosophy that encapsulates the idea of holistic and inclusive learning. The philosophy caters for the overall shaping and development of the young mind and includes aspects of balanced training, incorporated teachings and it generally focuses on training students to become teachers.
Deciding what you want to do with your life is a very difficult decision that every person has to face in their lives, especially during their teen years when people are expected to choose a career that helps them to fulfill their dreams. Since I wasn’t the exception, and I had decided how I wanted to help people from a very young age, it took me a bit longer to realize I didn’t just want to help people, but I also wanted to do it by doing something I enjoy and love. That’s when I chose English pedagogy, because it is a way to help people by giving them the tools to learn and the possibility to achieve what they want in their lives through education and the learning of the language I like. This three years I’ve spent studying to become a teacher have not only made me learn more English, but have also made me realize that I want to keep improving my skills as a teacher, deciding to continue
When understanding education there are many different ways which the purpose of education may be applied and defined. My personal philosophy of education is, 'educators must nurture/guide students within the academic field, to that the aims, goals and results during this task of educating or being educated are achieved '. This philosophy is used to understand that both teachers and students play an integral role in education. Academic performance, classroom methods/practices and also meeting the requirements of both the senior secondary Australian Curriculum Framework and the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers Framework are examples of these roles. This essay will discuss in detail how my personal philosophy of education, reflects on the role of teachers and learners, the aim of education and the methods and practices used in the classroom. Jean Jacques Rousseau, Paulo Freire, Locke, and Plato/Socrates are the four theorists that shall be used within this essay, to support claims and justify statements regarding this philosophy. John Dewey and A.S Neil are two non-supporting theorists that shall be used in contrast to justify this philosophy.
As I progress in my undergraduate studies, I find myself growing an appreciation for education and lifelong learning. I did not always know that I wanted to be an educator and perhaps I did not initially choose this path for the right reasons, but throughout this process, I have found that I have had a change in the source of my motivation. When I first stepped foot into the classroom as an educator, I was intimidated, I was nervous, and I had doubts in my decision to spend the rest of my life standing in front of a classroom, teaching a room full of children. It was not until I was able to make a connection with each of the students that I began to realize that teaching is so much more than being an instructor. Teachers are an inspiration; teachers are supportive; they are a positive influence, an academic advisor, a life coach, and are encouraging; teachers are not just an instructor. Through my various field placements at Newcomer Academy, Louis E. Dieruff High School, and Southern Lehigh High School, including my teaching experience at Lehigh Valley Summerbridge, I have established a desire to teach a diverse group of students from various economic and cultural backgrounds. My teaching philosophy is developed to foster an environment that supports these types of learners.
Write your Personal Philosophy of Teaching based upon your reading and learning in this unit. Refer to aspects including: attributes of an effective teacher, student engagement and motivation, catering for diversity (500 –800 words).
My teaching motivation is a resultant of my current position as a lecturer and formerly teaching assistant, professional development experience as trainer and trainee, industrial experience as professional water modeler and own academic experience as a student. My philosophy in teaching is hinged upon the impression that fostering the attainment of the conceptual theory is difficult without commingling practical skill sets to facilitate further learning and thinking and real-life problem-solving. This philosophy is premised on the idea that attending a lecture is enjoyable to students if the instructor presents conceptual theory in classroom linking professional practices with latest research or case studies or examples. I emphasize on engaging students within the classroom environment and putting knowledge into context so that its relevance is apparent. One of my principal objectives in teaching is to facilitate learning by helping students to gain the necessary skills to become active participants in their own learning. I perceive teaching as an approach analogous to the training of trainers (ToT) where students in today's class will be seen as the future trainer of class, research or professional practices. I relish teaching as an opportunity to mentor and inspire both graduate and undergraduate students to prepare them for a better future world.
Teaching is rough, as rough as the seas on a stormy night, and calm, like that after a storm. To be prepared for all cases a teacher must have a detailed guideline and understanding of their own response and what they deem best. In creating such a resource now, before diving into a classroom, a teacher can have time to develop and broaden their philosophy of teaching—be prepared before they take that fatal plunge. So, in order to be best prepared for my future endeavors as an educator, I believe it is in my best interest to lay out a personal philosophy of education—a lay out that will aid me in times of need and a way to gauge change, progress, and growth through my Simpson College career. In doing so I will be prepared to be the best
Through the classes I have taken at Wilmington University and my experiences in the classroom, I have developed a personal teaching philosophy that will be implemented into my future classrooms. I chose the teaching profession because I understand the challenges and responsibilities that come with teaching young minds. Children are our future and I am confident in my ability to help students reach their potential both inside and outside of the classroom.
I myself have a very positive outlook on life. I am very determined, dedicated, and
Being an educator is definitely something I have always known I wanted to pursue. Although I have had other thoughts in mind, such as being a performer or professional athlete, teaching is something that I have always seemed to go back to. When I was in Kindergarten, my oldest brother was diagnosed with Cancer. I was only five years old at the time, so I did not really have a strong understanding of what was happening. All I knew was that my brother was really sick and I was scared. However, through all of the hospitalization, doctor visits, checkups and treatments, my teacher never left my family’s side. She always made it a point to see how we were doing and see if there was anything either she or the school could do for us. I remember she especially tried her best to make me feel comfortable at school and take my mind off of what was going on. And at that time, I knew that if one person could have such a big impact on me the way my teacher did, then I wanted to do that for someone too.
Further, the purpose is to learn how to develop relationships that will enable students to work with their peers, throughout their schooling and beyond." So, to my understanding of the purpose of education, it prepares us all for the future and for us to be a productive citizen so that we can be useful to ourselves and for our country. The role of the teacher in education or in school is to teach the young ones to become a better person as they can be. In other words, the teachers make changes in the lives of the students. The role of students in education is to learn and prepare themselves for the future. The curriculum is there in the education system to guide the students in learning for their betterment in their family, community, and for
Being a good teacher to me means motivating students to reach their potential. Good teachers reach to their students at different intellectual, social and cultural levels. They are enthusiastic and have