
What Happens When People Wash Their Hands Essay

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About ninety-five percent of individuals wash their hands improperly. This means that for every one hundred people, only five people actually effectively sanitize their hands. This includes while cooking, using the restroom and exercising. How disgusting is that? To think about shaking hands with individuals who do not wash their hands correctly or at all is quite disturbing. Every day, individuals are becoming ill and/or dying due to infections and disease. Infections are constantly being spread and it is impossible to eliminate them one hundred percent. However, there are a variety of simple ways people can prevent them from further spreading. It is vital to educate young people about what infection is, how it is transmitted, and …show more content…

Viral infections can also be systemic, which means that it affects multiple parts of one’s body (Nordqvist).
Another major type of infection that is the most common is a bacterial infection. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms that do not contain a nucleus or any organelles surrounded by a membrane. Bacteria can practically live in almost any kind of environment. It lives all throughout the inside of people 's bodies and most of the time, it will not cause harm to one’s health. There are three different shapes of bacteria: spherical, rod-shaped, and spiral (Nordqvist). Not only are there viral and bacterial infections, but there are several other types as well.
Many infections are contracted in specific locations. For instance, people who have a nosocomial infection mainly contract an infection that is present in a hospital or other health care facility. The term nosocomial infection is associated with hospital-acquired infections (HAI) or health-care associated infections. In order for someone to have a nosocomial infection, the infection has to be present before he or she receives medical care. For it to be considered a HAI, the infection has to happen up to forty-eight hours after someone is admitted, up to three days after they are discharged, up to thirty days after they go through an operation, or when they come into a healthcare facility

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