
Effects Of Bullying On Kids : Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? How Much Harm?

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Effects of Bullying on Kids Do actions speak louder than words? How much harm can a word produce? Loser. Fatty. Nerd. Nobody. Worthless. Bullying has always been an issue in childhood and high school, but it isn 't until this decade that the spotlight has really focused on the damage it produces in a child 's life. In the past, adults just thought bullying was an innocent way kids expressed their feelings but now we have seen the true darkness in this problem. In 2007, almost a third of kids in middle and high school reported experiencing bullying at school (Anne Steele). One in three kids are forced to go through this awful thing we call bullying! How can we send our kids off to pave a path for their life, knowing that your kids could easily be part of the third that are being bullied? Bullying has become so complex because we can’t just see what happens to these teens. Bullying can be behind closed doors and cause emotional harm to kids. We have to address the issue and come up with a plan to put a halt to this terrible situation. Bullying is dangerous because it has many effects, mentally and physically, that can last into adulthood and even an entire lifetime. To begin with, there is nothing more important than a life. Yet, suicide is among the top causes of death among teenagers (Erik Messias, Kristi Kindrick, Juan Castro). According to, suicide is the second most common cause of death among teens (“Suicidal Teens”). Why is this the case? It is

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