
Effects of Advertisement on Indian Children

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Impact of Advertisements on Children in India


Background: Advertisements has been a part of our culture and its impact of young children has been a concern for quite some time. The Society at large must raise their voice. Aim: This study was conducted to find out the implication of irresponsible advertisements and their impact of children of aged 7-15. Methods: Cross-sectional study was conducted on children and parents with two separate independent questionnaires. 500 students from schools and 120 families are the subject of the study.
Results: Rise in the sales of junk food, growth in TV ads, harmful content broadcasting, and no regulation over unhealthy food and development of bad habits among children. …show more content…

In the last two decades the impact of TV advertisements on children’s memory and behaviour is the major topic of debates in many countries, (EU Journal 2011). Aggressive advertising of cruel amusement to children and teens (Media Awareness Network, 2005); The impact of advertisement on food and obesity within teens and youth (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2010, Atlanta); Impact of Advertising on Children’s Health and Irrational Behaviour (HRD Ministry 2009, Delhi), these are few literatures reviewed for the purpose of the study . This study plans to assess the paradigmatic shift and impact of advertising in consumer behaviour pattern and behaviour in life of a child from aged 7-15 from the capital city of Delhi, India. Though advertising is a vital tool to generate consumption and drive the economic growth in India but excess exploitation of underage children through advertisements can bear serious repercussions. Although there are always two sides of the coin in some ways advertisements always enhance children’s knowledge and understanding. The aim of the study is to determine the characteristics of the perception and attitudes of children towards television advertisements, the nature and extent of its impact on children.

Materials and Methods

The study was conducted in Delhi, the capital city of

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