
Efffects of Cell Phone Text Language

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Cellular telephone or Mobile telephone commonly referred as mobile phone or cellphone is a long-range, portable electronic device that is used in mobile communication. In 1990’s, few messages were sent through SMS (Short Messaging Service), but in year 2000 text messaging has been develop and gain popularity so the number of subscribers increase. In the late 60 's, cellphone were initially introduced in the Philippines and was made popular by Motorola Philippines. In the mid 70 's, GSM (Groupe Spécial Mobile) was introduced by Nokia Philippines, with advanced features such as text messaging, call waiting, call forwarding, and call hold. It started a new …show more content…

It is a mere fact that English is not the country’s first language and with the use of the evidence to be obtained from the survey it will then be prove the negative impact or otherwise of cell phone texting on students written communication skills and to make recommendations as how its negative effects, if any, can be mitigated. The researchers are also motivated by the fact that the cellular phone users are increasing every year and it became a necessity for communication and a vital part for the student’s social lives.

Setting of the study
This study will be conducted at the Batangas State University ARASOF – Nasugbu, which is located at R. Martinez St., Barangay Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas for the main reason that the proponents are currently studying at the said University. In addition to that, the researchers will conduct the study in this place because they will be able to seek the help and guidance from the professors and instructors of the College of Arts and Sciences who will provide them relevant information vital to the study.

Significance of the Study
The result of the study is expected to be beneficial and will be of great help to the following: The Administration. The result of this study may be used as a tool in helping the institution attain their goal in fostering the culture of the research campus.

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