Cellular telephone or Mobile telephone commonly referred as mobile phone or cellphone is a long-range, portable electronic device that is used in mobile communication. In 1990’s, few messages were sent through SMS (Short Messaging Service), but in year 2000 text messaging has been develop and gain popularity so the number of subscribers increase. In the late 60 's, cellphone were initially introduced in the Philippines and was made popular by Motorola Philippines. In the mid 70 's, GSM (Groupe Spécial Mobile) was introduced by Nokia Philippines, with advanced features such as text messaging, call waiting, call forwarding, and call hold. It started a new
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It is a mere fact that English is not the country’s first language and with the use of the evidence to be obtained from the survey it will then be prove the negative impact or otherwise of cell phone texting on students written communication skills and to make recommendations as how its negative effects, if any, can be mitigated. The researchers are also motivated by the fact that the cellular phone users are increasing every year and it became a necessity for communication and a vital part for the student’s social lives.
Setting of the study
This study will be conducted at the Batangas State University ARASOF – Nasugbu, which is located at R. Martinez St., Barangay Bucana, Nasugbu, Batangas for the main reason that the proponents are currently studying at the said University. In addition to that, the researchers will conduct the study in this place because they will be able to seek the help and guidance from the professors and instructors of the College of Arts and Sciences who will provide them relevant information vital to the study.
Significance of the Study
The result of the study is expected to be beneficial and will be of great help to the following: The Administration. The result of this study may be used as a tool in helping the institution attain their goal in fostering the culture of the research campus.
In Michaela Cullington’s essay titled, “Does Texting Affect Writing?” the author tests the ongoing question of how today’s youth handles the effects of texting in the education system. Using successful evidence from both sides of the argument as well as participating in her own experiment, Cullington is able to fully demonstrate how texting does not interfere with today’s students and their abilities to write formally in the classroom.
In the essay “Does Texting Affect Writing?” The author, Michaela Cullington, does a study to figure out whether texting affects students writing skills, and she argues that texting does not affect student’s writing skills. Owing to her well-developed research, Cullington discover that some people consider that the using of abbreviations in text-messaging is affecting the writing skills of students while other believes the contrary, that texting helps student to write and express better their ideas (362). First, Cullington explains the opinions of those who believe texting negatively affects students writing skills, then those who believe text-messaging positively affects writing, and finally her own study.
This section contains the analysis of the journal article. This journal article contains good language. The tone of the writing is formal and is able to be understood by the reader because of the simple word choice. The language used is good because there were several good vocabularies used such as phonological awareness and rapid naming. The authors also came into a clear conclusion where they are able to make a stand that text messages have positive effects on children’s literacy. However, if it was for adults, it is hard to make a stand. The journal article also showed rhetorical devices that focused more on ethos and logos that can maintain clarity and interest among readers. The authors showed good visualization of the topic such as text
This chapter covers the background and rationale, statement of the opportunity, purpose, research questions, nature of the study, definition of key terms, the significance of the study, assumptions, and limitations. It also covers the scope, worldview and theoretical foundation depicting the logical path of the research study.
Texting has fast become the preferred form of communication for young adults; however, students need to be dissuaded from texting during class because of the result in loss of valuable class time, lack of effective communication skills, and consistent use of improper English leading to a negative impact on students’ learning.
Texting Cullington’s introduction is well-written the way she is describing when and where texting is coming in handy. This captures the reader’s attention and the eager in reading more to find out what Cullington is talking about. The essay contains information on the different perspective of texting. Cullington did not agree or disagree directly but used research of her own and discussed what her finding was. “My research suggests that texting actually has a minimal effect on student writing” (367).
Cullington conducted a research experiment in her article “Does Texting Affect Writing?”, to show credibility of her decision, the emotion behind the writing and also the logistic on the way that texting does not affect the way students write. First, Cullington effectively establishes credibility through her sources. She states, “Text messaging –or texting…is a process of sending and receiving typed messages via a cellular phone”
Have always wondered if text messages have been dumbing us down or making us smarter in way? In today’s society who has an answer for this type of question. In the article, I h8 txt msgs: How texting is wrecking our language, by John Humphrys, talks about how text messaging are a danger to people's English language ; especially in the younger generation. John Humphry’s takes a unique perspective when analyzing the practice of text messaging. He focuses on the todays teenagers as an example of the uses of text messaging. The other article by David Crystal’s, 2b or Not 2b discusses the many implications of new texting technologies throughout his article. Crystal Focuses on the three major topics in his article which are texting languages, the
Thesis statement: In this paper, I will discuss how the frequent use of text messaging by teens today negatively affects literacy and I will offer suggestions that parents and teachers can implement and teach in order to raise reading, writing, and vocabulary skills.
Today, technology is transforming and evolving rapidly; at times it feels as if a new smartphone is being released every day. With these new technologies, we see both positive and negative effects influencing people of all ages. One of the major concerns about cell phone use is the impact texting has on the social communication of the world’s youths. In a quest to uncover the effects of texting, I will discuss to what degree texting is detrimental to the social communication between people in our society from my perspective, the positive aspects that are associated with the invention and evolution of texting, the negative consequences with regard to the social development of young people, whether I agree or disagree with John McWhorter’s perspective on texting, and whether or not texting is making people more intelligent.
In this world of science and technology, society has made much progress in the last 20 years. The mobile phone is a good example of this change. Mobile phones are now the most widespread communication device replacing fixed line phones, and their number is increasing dramatically every year. This essay will outline the major changes in mobile phone design and network availability during the last two decades and the advantages of this development. In addition, this essay will discuss the disadvantages of using mobile phones.
Texting is a fairly new form of communication that has taken the world by storm. It became popular around 2001, and originally had its limitations, such as the 160-character limit. But now that technology has advanced, texting has followed along and is now a convenient, casual, and a more immediate way of communicating. So naturally, texting has evolved also in terms of the language used within it. We see this mostly in the form of abbreviations and short hand spelled words. Some people argue that texting has ruined the English language. Studies and observations have shown that the benefits of texting and cyber speak are much more broad then expected. Textisms have been shown to increase phonology skills, brain activity, creativity and provide a relatable outlet for students in education.
In the 21st century, older generations are worried that the younger generation are becoming less intelligent because of the constant use of technology. In this article, a psychologist cleared up this worry. The psychologist stated in the article that “ Kids who are good spellers [academically] are good spellers in instant messaging, and kids who are poor spellers in English class are poor spellers in instant messaging." The implied conclusion is that texting and writing in school do not relate negatively. This study is a positive correlation however, the coefficient is very low. Children have learned that their texting language and their language at school is completely separate. The are easily able to go back and forth from one to another once they have become accustomed to both of these languages. Students know that there is a difference between correctly writing a paper in school and correctly writing a text. According to the article and the implied conclusion, parents do not need to worry about their children’s texting skills ruining their spelling habits.
Mobile phones, which were introduced around a decade ago in1995–1996 in India, are becoming the dominant means of accessing communication. At the end of 2005–2006, there were 90 million mobile subscribers in India in comparison to 50 million subscribers for landlines. Indian mobile subscriber base has now reached 617.53 million users, while number of telephone subscribers (wire line & wireless) in India has increased to 653.92 million for month of May 2010.the increase in mobile phones has been phenomenal in comparison with landlines since the introduction of mobiles in the country.
Everyone knows that texting is a form of communication, almost all individuals experience it. All sources looked upon mainly have the said idea entailed. However, some may have never thought it would and could affect individuals in the real world of communicating face to face. Most have not thought about this issue as if it concerns many in writing papers or writing in general. Some say texting is texting; it does not matter what texting does. It is all a form of communication, so who cares. In the research of this topic, Does Texting Affect the Ability of Writing, many possessions are expressed in several different ways but a lot of things are said more than once, although, there are disparities as well.