
Eight Stage Psychosocial Observation

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I was brought up Baptist (a very strict church) all children twelve and under stayed in the nursery or children church until time to go home. They didn’t want any distraction; if you didn’t got to children’s church not one peep, or playing. I tried to raise my children in some of my beliefs of religion and how to act while in church. The church we visited was a non-denominational church. As I watched the little three-year-old little boy in front of us, I decide to observe him as my second stage child. According to Erikson the eight stage psychosocial theory the child I observed is in the autonomy vs. shame stage. Erikson theory alludes that crisis and challenges through each of the stages is the best way to understand one’s development …show more content…

role confusion stage. Sokol (2009) states that at this stage one is processing a logical sense of who they are and how they fit in the word at this point in their life. He also adds that this stage is the best time to seek identity growth because of the diversity of factors cognitive, social and physical changes one is going through. While the worship team was singing, the older boys sang along and slightly moved to the music. I also noticed them observing other but mostly each other. At one point I looked over my son seemed to be engaged in the sermon; his friend appeared to be less engaged at times. One time I looked over and I saw them conversing. I gave my son the look and slanted neck; he gave me the uh-oh look. He suddenly re-engaged. I do agree with Erikson theory at this sage. He refers that “positive outcomes foster fidelity and devotion while negative outcomes encourage repudiation behavior” (Wong, Hall, Justice, & Hall, 2015, p. 27). I see this in my son; if gets bad grades we start jerking his game and computer privileges (he quickly improves). I also notice that the more things we do as a family he seems to gracefully appreciate it and he continues to want to do more and longer

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