Our world is powered by electricity; it surrounds us in every turn and every corner, powering our streetlights, our TVs, our hospitals, our homes, and our communities. Electricity is a form of energy that results from charged particles. There are many energy sources that can be converted into electricity, and that’s why it is suited for powering our society. We can generate electricity from burning fuels, energy of falling water, solar energy, and basically anything that has energy. Electricity is also easy to distribute, using transmission lines connecting the energy power station to homes, schools and so on. Atoms consist of electric charge, so electric charge is everywhere and the electric charge has an electric field. An electric field can only be created by a positive charge and destroyed by a negative charge(Brightstorm, 2010). According to Bob emery, owner of senior physics website, to generate electric power it requires motion between a magnetic field and a conductor. Attraction of a magnet is limited to certain boundaries this is called the magnetic field of a magnet (Makemegenius, 2013).
An electric current in a magnetic field will experience a force, (HyperPhysics, 2014) due to the interaction between the charged particles in the electric current and the magnet, this force is called the motor effect. To find the direction of magnetic field you use the right-hand rule, pointing the thumb in the direction of the current and curling your fingers in
In the article "Energy Story". I learned that electricity figures are everywhere and where electricity comes from. Did you know that electricity comes from atoms? atoms are the proton, the neutron, and the electron. Nevertheless, electrons contain negative charge, protons are positive and neutrons are neutral, I also learned that a charged atom is called an ion.
A & P, the Great Atlantic, and Pacific Tea were founded in 1859 in New York City. It is a real grocery store chain that is the setting of John Updike's short story "A & P". The story is being narrated by Sammy, a 19-year-old intelligent but uneducated full-pledged character in the story. The main themes of the story come along the slow revelation of the character of Sammy through his experience inside the grocery store as a cashier. The historical context of the story, the people's conformity to standards in that era, and Sammy's thoughts and acts of rebellion are the focal points of this classic amidst the American consumerism.
To understand how this electricity works we must start with the basics. The atom is the smallest unit of matter, consisting of protons, neutrons, and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have no charge, and electrons have a negative charge. Electric charges that are the same repel each other and charges that are different attract each other. Electric charges can exist alone, unlike magnetic poles.
I know this because in the article it directly say’s “But what is electricity? Where does it come from? How does it work?”. The article begins talking about how energy works, what it is, and where it comes from by explaining what atoms are. It talks about how they are made up of three main particles, protons, neutrons, and electrons. Lastly, it talks about how atoms have a positive and negative charge and also what atoms can pass through.
Society has advanced dramatically in the past century, and along with that transportation has shifted from the reliable horse and buggy to planes, trains, and automobiles. After the invention of the motor vehicle we have never looked back when it comes to creating innovative new designs and creating more efficient automobiles. Planes and Trains have also made a leap in the past century forever changing the time it takes to travel places. In the present time period we have massive trains engines that can pull miles and miles of train cars. We have hybrid cars that average over 50 miles per gallon, and massive planes that can carry hundreds and hundreds of people around the globe in record timing. The question is how can we make these forms
To begin with, electricity is made up of many atoms. "Energy Story", explains that atoms are made with smaller particles. Also how electrons spin around the middle and or center,
Because excess charge always gathers in corners or points, the charge rushes to the points. Being that the charge is surrounded by similar charges, they are pushed off the spinner and into the air, effectively ionizing the air surrounding the point. The ionized cloud around the point has the same charge as the point so a repelling force is created between the two, creating the force causing the movement of the spinner. The clockwise direction of the spinner was an important piece of evidence to understand the demonstration. Motion is not caused by the points repelling each other because there are three points spaced evenly around a point. Due to this formation, each point would be acted upon by repelling forces with the same magnitude from either side, holding the spinner in
What is magnetism? When two pieces of iron are attracted to each other by physical means or electrical means.
The science behind magnetics is the Lorentz force which exerts a force on particles in the field. The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that two electrons cannot occupy the same energy state at the same time. Magnets are made of nickel, cobalt, and some rare earth
The electric motors work by electricity and magnets working together. Once the electricity gets going, the magnets take over. The magnets keep the motor going because the magnets used in motors have both positive and negative magnets on both sides. Surrounding the magnetic ends, are one positive and one negative magnet. This means that at any
One aspect that is understood, however, are the effect magnetic fields have on our bodies during everyday life. We are constantly being exposed to magnetic fields. Microwaves, power lines, radio waves, refrigerators: these all give off magnetic charges (CSA, 1994; Barnothy p. 123). The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field, which is the reason for the North and South poles (Leonard, 861).
An electricity and magnetism phenomenon apparently unrelated to power are electrical magnetic fields. We are familiar with these forces through the interaction of compasses with the earth's magnetic field, or through fridge magnets or magnets on children's toys. Magnetic forces are explained in terms very similar to those used for electric forces:
Experience is a key to knowledge. It is a type of power one can simply acquire by observing, encountering, or either undergoing an event. It is a type of power that I have used throughout my life. Expert power. The process of experiencing is when one obtains a skill or a piece of knowledge from an event in their life which can later be utilized in their life. As we gain experience, we become experts in a specific role to which we can help others meet their goals. Experience doesn 't just mean being someone for an extended period of time, it could mean having to go through struggles in their life or just by making a small mistake that they have been through already. Experience is something that we all have
Magnetic field is the spaces in which kinetic and electrically charged particles are under influence of power and is formed following that electrons revolve around the nucleus and
The main component of a car would be the power that actually puts the car in motion. To be solely dependent on one power source is not a very good idea as it is not eco-friendly and at the same time not suitable. By 2040, half of all the new cars being sold will be hybrids, according to Exxon Mobile. Hybrid Cars are the cars that uses more than one power sources to run the car. It is usually referred to the Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) which has both the internal combustion engine and electric motors that generates power. One of the main problem with these hybrid cars is that their batteries are extremely heavy and takes up a large amount of space in the car. The concept of Hybrid cars can be a good thing to the environment, but definitely not for the car manufacturer or the customer. Hybrid cars have a convincing amount of weight due to their batteries, even with the existence of lithium-ion batteries. As a solution, Energy Storing Body Panels are used.