
Elimination Diet

Decent Essays

What Not to Eat While Your Baby is Breastfeeding

Your baby has arrived, and you have chosen to breastfeed. Ordinarily, that is good news. That means you can change your diet and worry less about what you eat and how it may affect your newborn.

You can eat sushi and processed lunch meats again. However, if you are breastfeeding and notice your baby is having some issues with digestion or comfort, then you may need to consider an elimination diet.

What Is the Elimination Diet?
The elimination diet is a diet that takes the foods most likely to cause an allergic reaction in an infant (shown through different reactions like irritability, green bowel movements and constant fussiness) and advises the new mother to avoid these foods while breastfeeding. …show more content…

However, it can decrease supply, which means the infant gets less to eat and is then fussy due to hunger on an even shorter time frame

In addition to foods that can cause irritation, it is still not advisable to drink large amounts of alcohol. Moreover, recent studies have shown that a minuscule amount of alcohol transfers into the breast milk and the general rule is that if you can drive, you can nurse.

Still, the recommendation remains that you drink in moderation so as to be able to care for your child to the best of your ability and ensure that it is minuscule amounts of alcohol, if any, that transfer to your infant.

New moms may be ready to kick back with all manner of foods that weren't permitted or made her sick during her pregnancy. However, if the baby shows reactions to breast milk after a nursing session, it may be a good idea to consider eliminating the above foods to see if that helps the baby with fussiness, get rid of gas or have healthy bowel movements. If these foods being cut from the diet do not help, a discussion with the pediatrician is very

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