
Elon Musk: How To Get Humans On Mars

Satisfactory Essays

The article I read was about a entrepreneur named Elon Musk who has a plan about how to get humans on Mars in order to try and achieve this dream will need to build a rocket compatiable to reach Mar's atmosphere. The cost the build a rocket like this a staggering 10 billion dollars during the course of the next few years. In order to raise this money Mr. Musk says that he will need to involve a sort of "private-public partnership", but for now noone is quite ready to jump of the SpaceX to Mars bandwagon. Mr. Musk would like to make it where there can be a self-sustaining civiilazation on Mars of about a million people. Musk's dream first started when he sold his share of PayPal to eBay in the year 2002 for 1.5 billion dollars. Musk wanted to send a greenhouse to the plant of Mars to see if Earth plants could live in Martian dirt but unfortunately his project did not pan out as he expected so he turned his greenhouse idea into SpaceX. SpaceX is right now used for launching satelites and sending cargo and hopefully in the future astronots to the International Space Station. Musk would like to make the human race a "multi-planetary species" even using this rocket to to go beyond Mars and to Europa in Jupiter. While I love the idea of adventure is out there and in the words of Buzz Lightyear "To infinity and beyond" I feel that this dream …show more content…

At the moment Musk has no idea when and where the money will come from. The prices he expects people to pay for this journey while I realizes that it cost money to make money $500,000 is a hefty price to pay. I can't help but to wonder who besides the billionaries and millionaries of the world can afford to pay for this. I also feel that talks of walking and living on Mars give people a false sense of hope. Noone knows if we will ever reach Mars and if we do will it even be in our

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