
Emerging Developments Of Clinical Decision Support Systems And The Challenges Of Knowledge Representation

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Emerging Developments in Clinical Decision Support Systems and the Challenges in Knowledge Representation By Florence F. Odekunle Department of Health Informatics School of Health Related Professions Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey BINF 5005 Assignment 2 Fall 2015 Background Information Clinical decision support system (CDSS) is gaining increased recognition in healthcare organization. This is due to an increasing recognition that a stronger CDSS is crucial to achieve a high quality of patients care and safety1,2. CDSS is a class of computerized information system that supports decision-making activities2. It uses patient data to provide tailored patient …show more content…

The output can also take a number of forms and can be delivered to a number of destinations at any time before, during or post-interaction with the patient4. CDS is most effective when provided at the time that the physician is formulating her assessment of the patient’s condition and is making ordering decisions2. CDS encompasses a variety of tools to enhance decision-making in the clinical workflow. These tools include computerized alerts and reminders to care providers and patients; clinical guidelines; condition-specific order sets; focused patient data reports and summaries; documentation templates; diagnostic support, and contextually relevant reference information, among other tools. Computer-assisted decision support is only acceptable when it allows the physician to override a system-provided recommendation and choose an alternative action2. The most successful decision-support intervention makes complying with the suggested action easy. A brief rationale is generally provided with the recommendation, and complying with the recommendation is as easy as hitting the Enter key or clicking the mouse. CDSS can vary greatly in design and function, undergoing a constant evolution of their scope and application4. The majority of CDS applications operate as components of comprehensive electronic health record systems, although

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