
How Did Eminem Influence People's Youth

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Despite taste in music, age or nationality, everyone is bound to know the famous rapper, Eminem. Many eagerly awaited his return to the music industry; while some hoped to never see his name on the charts again. After a long break from the industry, Eminem made his return in 2010, rising to the top of the charts once again. Critics have claimed his lyrical content is inappropriate and effects the nation’s youth negatively, but his fans argue that he and his 2010 return have been a source of inspiration and encouragement in their lives.
Eminem was born Marshall Mathers III on October 17, 1972. His home life was extremely troubled. He was raised by his mother who was only 15yrs old when she gave birth to him. His father left when he …show more content…

He was criticized for his explicit lyrics and the negative references he made about Kim, his now ex-wife, his mother, and homosexuals to name a few. Critics claimed he is corrupting the minds of the youth. Even still his talent was undeniable within the rap community. His ability write, rhyme and flow on the microphone continued to keep the attention of many.
Against all odds, he had succeeded far beyond what the world presumed possible. His personal life was cast into the limelight, as it was the center of most of his music. Marshall touched on topics many would never rap about. He created an alter ego for himself, known as Slim Shady. He makes reference to the fast changes in many of his songs, “Ya know, I just don’t get it, last year I was nobody, now I am selling records.” (Eminem). The criticism only gave him more to write about, most of the time exaggerating what critics had to say about him. Parents claimed he promoted and provoked violence in his songs, causing those that listened to his music to become violent. Gay activist protested against him at the 2001 Music Awards, claiming he was homophobic his lyrics were hateful (Eminem's Grammy Award Outrage, 2001). He had Elton John perform live with him at the show in order to prove his lyrics were not to always be taken literally.
Eminem is well known for “dis” tracks, where he slices apart those that oppose him with his lyrics. If and when criticized by anyone known to the public, they were sure to

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