
Emotion Related Cultural Value With Regulation Strategies Essay

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1. One of the unique features of human is the ability to regulate and adjust emotions on particular situational demands. What happen when we get angry but cannot express it? Or when we feel upset but have to try to be fine? Under some circumstances like these examples, we regulate our emotions. Emotion regulation(ER) refers to the capacity to control and manage one’s emotional reaction in order to achieve a goal-directed outcome. We know coping, reappraisal, or suppression as some typical tactics of managing emotions, but how these types of regulation strategies differ among individuals, and how cultural values can be related to the preference of use of different strategies? This study will provide a general idea beyond the basic understanding of ER by comparing individual difference on emotion-related cultural value with regulation strategies.
This study focuses on emotion related values based on the Hofstede model of six dimensions of national cultures (power distance, uncertainty avoidance, individualism/collectivism, masculinity/femininity, long/short term orientation, and indulgence/restraint), by only focusing on long/short-term orientation and uncertainty avoidance as emotion-related cultural values. Short/long-term orientation refers to the perspective of whether or not looking at the future. Short-term orientated people tend to emphasize on the current time and believe important events in life occur in the past or now. They also tend to attribute both success and

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