
Emotional Pain And Mental Pain

Satisfactory Essays

I would like to start off by saying this is the hardest paper I have ever had to right in my entire life. There was a lot of emotions pouring out of me. There were a lot of tears, tissues, heartbreak, emotional pain and mental pain. Today I will be sharing with everyone how Mr. Bradley’s actions have affected me in every aspect of my life. Everything from how he has affected me mentally all the way to my new living situation. Mr. Bradley has caused my fight or flight responses to become very unbalanced. Before I feel like I would respond to stressful situations like a normal person. Now I feel like I am in danger all the time. It doesn’t matter if I’m at the house or at work. I feel the need to fight for my life regardless if someone scares me or not. It doesn’t matter if it’s a joke or if a person unintentionally scares me. I throw my fist up and start throwing punches until I realize nothing terrible is happening. An example from work would be a fairly non-busy day at work. Some of my coworkers like to goof around and scare each other at work. One girl hid behind a corner and I lunged at her out of self- defense and I ended up scaring her and she cowered. I was millimeters from fully hitting her because I thought I was in danger. Another example when someone isn’t scaring me would be when I was sweeping in front of a door at work and I looked up and one of the guys I was working with was about to exit the same door I was sweeping in front of and I threw my hands up

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