
Engageny Curriculum

Decent Essays

After a few months of searching and deliberating, the sixth grade English Language Arts teachers in the Little Lake City School District (LLCSD), decided to implement the EngageNY curriculum. EngageNY was created in 2011 and is currently maintained by the New York State Education Department after the state adoption of Common Core State Standards (CCSS). EngageNY encompasses both English language arts and math curriculum for pre-kindergarten to twelfth grade. The curriculum design is based on research that addresses the six language arts instructional shifts: Balance Informational/ literary text, build knowledge in the disciplines, staircase of complexity, text-based answers, writing from sources, and academic vocabulary; by aligning content, …show more content…

Although it does not give specific dates, it does suggested that out of the six modules provided, teachers teach four in a school year, with each module being eight weeks long, that is broken up into three units with six assessments, and one performance task. In addition, a scope and sequence is provided for each module that further addresses specific standards, theme, interim assessments, performance task, lesson overviews, and literary materials.
The interim assessments are included six times throughout a single module. Each unit has a mid and final assessment that requires a number of competences such as: vocabulary and content knowledge, on-demand short answers, essays, text-based answers, multiple choice, etc. The performance tasks are given at the end of each module as a culminating project that allow students to demonstrate their knowledge through writing, reading, research, scaffold activities, discussions, and finally presented among their …show more content…

It is evident that EngageNY has addressed these shifts through its variation of assessments, performance tasks, and in the design of each module, unit, and lesson. For example, each lesson is sequenced to build upon a skill set and increase the rigor through the progression if each unit, until reaching the final assessment. Moreover, to further incorporate the shifts, text based answer and discussions are incorporated in each lesson and performance task.
Lastly, the final two shirts, writing from sources and academic vocabulary, requires students to take text evidence and vocabulary to formulate short response answers and formal writing pieces. These shifts are evident in daily lessons, interim assessments, and performance

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