
English Class Analysis

Decent Essays

I am a transfer student from Fresno City College, and this is my first semester in Fresno State. Since I was in City College, I have been took English composition which known as English 1A. Although, I realized that my writing skill have not reach into the point I satisfied yet. As I am a junior student, I need to take one more English class to complete my upper division requirement. The English 160-W or Writing workshop, this class has taught me a lot of strategies about how to become a good reader, good thinker, and good writer. my instructor Mr. Krongus has told me at the beginning of the semester, “this class is not like other writing class that need student to follow this or those style of writing, but this class you can write in the best strategy which you think you feel comfortable with.” this is the …show more content…

Reading is a good way to extend some knowledge and experience. I am not read the article just to complete the page or assignment, but I do read in deep, read to analyze, read to capture the main point of the article. There are several authors throughout the columnist page. The author Brook is one of my favorite authors that I liked to read for weekly assignment .the article he wrote, most of them are easy to understand and interested. Brook has made a clear thesis statement, and most of the time he analyzed cause and effect and do an explaining process strategy in his writing style. Every time I read article or do multi-column, I always followed the process guideline that Mr. Krongus provide on Blackboard. First, I do a careful read, find the thesis statement of article, do a marginal note, and do a rhetorical stage. The benefit of doing all these steps make me more understanding and clear thought about the article want to be. Moreover, the more I read the more words I gain exposure to, and I will learn more about how to use vocabulary in proper

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