
Environmental Sustainability Can Start With One Person Or A Group Of People

Decent Essays

Environmental sustainability can start with one person or a group of people. We can become more environmentally sustainable by using less water or turning off the power when we leave a room. How we do it isn’t the difficult part, it’s getting others to follow in our footsteps and join us in the movement to become more environmentally sustainable. A great place to start is a college campus. With potentially thousands of students on board, we could make a difference in our environment. The trick however is convincing students to turn off the light before they leave a room or even not using as much water to when they brush their teeth. I believe it is possible for Union University to become more environmentally sustainable with a little hard work and dedication. While we already have several great programs such as recycling and the rehydration stations, we could always benefit from more. One idea that may take only a minimal amount of effort would be composting. I can think of countless times I did not eat everything on my plate and just scraped it into the trash can, completely wasted where as all that food could have been scraped into a compost bin and taken outside to an area where students are free to compost and hundreds of pounds of food would be put to a much more environmentally friendly use. Colleges across the nation are turning to composting to not only reduce waste but to help reduce their environmental footprint. By educating students what can and can not be

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