
Enzyme Catalyzed Reaction Lab Report

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What factors affect the reaction rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction?
The concentration of substrate. If the concentration of substrate is low while the concentration of enzymes is high, the reaction rate is going to be very slow. As the substrate concentration increases, so does the reaction rate. This can be explained by the collision theory. As there are more substrate molecules, the enzymes are more like to “collide with”/bond to substrates. At some point (saturation point)the concentration of substrate will be higher than the concentration of enzymes; this is the maximum rate, which stays constant.
The concentration of enzymes. A higher concentration of enzymes means there are more enzymes for the substrate to bind to during the reaction, …show more content…

What if the absorbance is too low or too high?
The range should be between 0.1-1. If the value of A is too high, one should dilute the sample. If the value of A is too low, one should concentrate the sample.

5) What should so called “blank” contain? And why?
The blank solution should contain everything except the compound being analyzed (in this case the enzyme). Other compounds in the solution could absorb the same wavelength as the enzyme, this, the absorbance recorded of the test sample is compared to a blank for reference. This is done in order to make sure that any reading recorded are actually only due to the enzyme, not due to any other factor. Using blanks is important in spectroscopy to nullify the effects of the background.

6) What does “reset the blank” mean and why should you do it everytime when you change the wavelength?
Reset the blank means that you reset the spectrophotometer/zero it by using a blank sample that contains everything except the enzyme to be tested. Each time you change the wavelength settings, you have to reset the spectrophotometer in order to get the correct point of reference. This is important because any solution’s absorbance varies with wavelength. Furthermore, electrical disturbances affect the brightness of the light and the effectiveness of photocells, thus the spectrophotometer has to be zeroed with the blank to get correct readings of

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