
Enzyme Lab

Decent Essays

In this particular lab, my team and I were determining and demonstrating how the change in pH level and temperature affects enzyme activity. Enzymes are proteins in living things that speeds up chemical reactions. We used a specific enzyme, catalase which breaks down hydrogen peroxide into water and oxygen. The oxygen released from the chemical reactions creates gas bubbles, also known as foam. By measuring the foam, we are able to determine how active the enzyme is. If there is a big amount of foam produced in the test tubes, there is a lot of enzyme activity. If there is little to no foam produced in the test tubes, there is little to no enzyme activity. The amount of foam was measured by height. With this information, we did multiple tests …show more content…

Also, if the pH level increases, there will be little to no oxygen bubbles, but if the pH level decreases, there will be a lot of oxygen bubbles. By adding varieties of acids and bases and adjusting the temperature of the enzyme, would cause the amount of foam to differ.
The experiment was both a controlled experiment and interpretation of data because we used the data to interpret the enzyme activity and had controlled variables for comparisons. The materials used to conduct this experiment included: acids (vinegar and hydrochloric acid), base (sodium hydroxide), catalase solution (potato puree), flasks, beakers, granulated cylinder, temperature measuring device, ruler and test tubes. After getting the materials, we started on changing the pH levels by adding vinegar, hydrochloric acid or sodium hydroxide to the catalase before the adjusting the temperatures. When we began to add the drops, we started with 3 test tubes with different amount of drops in the solution: 3 drops, 4 drops, and 5 drops. We added 3, 4, and 5 drops to the solution because we needed a range of …show more content…

Analysing the data, I decided to get the average height of the foam so I can juxtapose the data. The catalase with hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide produced an average of 0.6 cm of foam. The catalase with sodium hydroxide produced an average of 0.4 of foam. The catalase with hydrogen peroxide and hydrochloric acid produced an average of 0.33 cm of foam. The catalase with hydrochloric acid produced an average of 0.3 cm of foam. The catalase with hydrogen peroxide and vinegar produced an average of 0.26 cm of foam. The catalase with vinegar produced an average of 0.03. Looking at the averages, the catalase that included sodium hydroxide produced the most foam. Sodium hydroxide is the only base out of the 3 solutions while the others were all acids. This means there’s the most enzyme when the pH is lower. Also, hydrogen peroxide is proven to make the catalase enzyme more active. When we first began the experiment, we only put hydrogen peroxide into the catalase and it produced the most foam. Additionally, if we compare the data set with the hydrogen peroxide and the data set without the hydrogen peroxide, the data set with the hydrogen peroxide had a significant greater amount of foam than the other data set. For example, the catalase with hydrogen peroxide and sodium hydroxide produced an

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