
Enzymes Lab Report

Decent Essays

I will be using the following items, to test for the experiment for testing the impact of low pH levels on enzymes:
Enzyme/ organism: Uncooked mashed potatoes, containing catalase.
Substrate: Hydrogen peroxide 3%
Different pH exposures: Lemon juice, 20% sodium bicarbonate mixture (with water), and water.
Controlled Variables: amount of substrate/enzyme present, pH, overall amount of solution within each test tube, and temperature.
Optimal conditions are a temperature of 40c, pH 7(neutral) with the presence of catalase and substrate like hydrogen peroxide.
Tools being used: 4 test tubes, 3 pH strips, 4 100mL plastic beakers, 4 zip-ties, 250 mL beakers, a thermometer, measuring spoons, a 10 mL granular cylinder, and plastic funnel.
Before beginning, I will measure the pH levels of each of my controlled independent variables: Lemon juice, 20% sodium bicarbonate mixture (with water), and water. This is to verify each substances pH level before the main experiment. I will use the 100ml plastic beaker to do this, measuring out 10ml of each of the three substances, and using 3 pH strips to get an accurate reading for each of them. …show more content…

I will conduct the experiment by marking my test tubes 1-4. Making sure the proportions of solutions are the same and warming all the test tubes equally to 40c. Using the balloon and string method, I would expose the enzymes to their respective pH solution for 10 minutes (combining the two). Afterwards, I will use string in order to measure the amount of oxygen is created in mm; although, I would first funnel the mashed potatoes solution into the balloons and release the catalase when all balloons successfully attach with zip-ties. The purpose of the zip tie is to keep the balloons completely secured, allowing me flip the test tube upside down if needed, to get a complete

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