Equal Pay for Equal Work The study that women are in various ways substandard to men is not confidential to one spiritual conviction or faith. Women are prohibited from playing a full and similar role in lots of faiths. This discrimination of women is indefensibly accredited to a higher influence which has presented a reason or else a good excuse for the denial of women’s equal rights within the human race for centuries. At its mainly disgusting characteristic, the conviction that women have to be dominated to the desires of men justification such as slavery, violent behavior, enforced prostitution, genital mutilation as well as national laws that exclude rape as an offense is highly regarded as apparent in some regions. However it in addition costs lots of girls as well as women control above their individual bodies and existence and continues to disallow them fair admission to education, physical condition, jobs and authority within their own groups of people. The force of these spiritual beliefs touches all features of personal lives. They assist in giving details as to why in countless countries boys are offered education before girls, the reason girls are told what time and the person they have to marry in addition to why a lot of them face huge and intolerable risks during pregnancy and childbirth as their basic wellbeing requirements are not fulfilled. In a number of Islamic states, women are limited in their appointments, disciplined for permitting the
Throughout most of documented history women of all cultures and civilizations have lived under patriarchal circumstances. In almost every religion and civilization women's status was not equal to that of a man's. Women in most cultures are looked at as subservient, obedient creatures that were put on this world for very few reasons, mainly to bear children and do what their husbands require of them. In fact, religions are a big part of the reason of this oppression due to the religion's reinforcement and justification of patriarchal conditions. In this week's selected readings from different aspects of Islamic, Byzantine Christian, and Western Christian cultures, it is very apparent as to how these three religions did reinforce and
I don’t think utilitarianism and equality are able of working together, simply because human happiness and an equal pay is inefficient. I think the biggest problem will be “According to the utilitarian, maximize well-being in the society (massive income inequality can and does lead to a decrease in well-being)”. Since utilitarianism sees everyone as one, there perspective is that everyone should be in every situation (Interests, preferences, materials or payment) equally treated. Yes utilitarianism is promoting to narrow down the gender pay gap and yes, it is important to provide for equal work an equal payment for men and women, but we can’t treat everyone on this planet the same, we can’t compare an equal pay to a working women in America
A current political issue in the United States is unequal payment based on the sex of the one who is employed. Rick McKee uses he editorial cartoon, “Equal Pay,” to indirectly characterize our current president, and create some irony around the whole topic of inequality in paychecks. McKee intends to reach all possible viewers/voters to make the president appear to have some hypocrisy to create some irony surrounding the president and his people-pleasing executive orders. The moral points in this piece of artwork are: if someone wants others to change they should change first, one cannot blame their mistakes on someone else, and be humble. The main purposes of this satirical cartoon is to criticize the current president’s lack of knowledge of the issue of unequal pay going on even with those that work for him, and his attitude of a hypocrite to blame what he is in charge of on other people.
In all areas of life and society the treatment and well being of women have always been challenged. In many religions the role and status of its women are usually overwhelmed by the actions and roles of its men this inequality of religions between male and female allows these feelings and ideology of which sex is superior or inferior to bleed into a society’s culture thus shaping their treatment of their men and women.
“Join the union, girls, and together say Equal Pay for Equal Work” -Susan B. Anthony. Countless women, even here in the U.S. have some sort of the wage gap. The wage gap is the difference between the median earnings of women relative to median earnings of men. In this case, women earn a significant amount less than men. Although the wage gap has gotten smaller over the years, the wage gap still has a long way to go. Women deserve better than just minimum earnings. Full time, working women should obtain the best promotions and benefits. Women that work just as tough and have the equivalent qualifications as men do still earn less, and that is just unacceptable. The wage gap should be abolished on behalf of women of color and their struggle, equal pay is a global problem, equal pay benefits employers and workers, and the wage gap accumulates over time.
The Guardian article “The USA women's national team are demanding equal pay. Is it realistic?” written by Beau Dure discusses the interview held by CBS’s 60 Minutes about the USA women’s national soccer team’s drive for equal pay. There have been scarce meetings between US soccer and representatives for the women’s team, and even less knowledge of what is being discussed within these meetings. As of now all that anyone knows for sure is that the women’s team current deal is coming to an end. Dure points out that the debate at hand includes all forms of equality between the US men’s team and the US women’s team; such as equality in pay, travel amenities, and field location accessibility. However, while there are many parts to this debate Dure choses to focus on the difference in pay. Dure emphasizes the difference in the payment systems, bonuses for championships, and gap between two star players that play the same position. Dure makes sure to add that this debate has been going on for a long time and not only in the US. At this moment it is unknown if they are looking for exact pay as the men’s team.
“Imagine you 're a little girl. You 're growing up. You practice as hard as you can, with girls, with boys. You have a dream. You fight, you work, you sacrifice to get to this stage. You work as hard as anyone you know. And then you get to this stage, and you 're told you 're not the same as a boy. Almost as good, but not quite the same. Think how devastating and demoralizing that could be” Venus Williams. For years, women have worked as hard as men to get an education, get their dream job, or even get a promotion in a job they are currently at so they can earn less pay than a man and not even know it. They take on these important roles and titles as a manager or take on more jobs than they can handle to prove they are worthy as the next guy and to receive no raise or still underpaid to the guy who does not work as hard or have the same job title. However, women and men have begun to see this a problem and started to work together to make a change. Women makeup over half the workforce and are seen, if not equal, or are the breadwinner in four out of ten families (About Pay Equity & Discrimination 1). Women in the workforce should earn the same pay as men because they work hard to get an education, their race should not play into an effect, and they support a family.
The use of this type of punishment, guilt and heartache to encourage performance of their gender role is in itself problematic, but is related to othering in multiple ways. We see othering happening between the men and the women of these communities in the ways that their roles are structured, but also in the way that the female role is constructed to be in opposition to both over-secularization, and too-traditional values. The differences between the value of men and women are very prominent in their religious value, and the languages they speak, but the othering in the formation of the female role is more complex. With the spectrum created, conservative and secularized as polar opposites, there is value put on women who can balance these two qualities and remain in
On average, American women earn 80 cents to every dollar that an American man earns, and the gap for African American women is even larger. According to the textbook, there are four main reasons the pay gap persists those are: “Women are concentrated in lower paying jobs, Women enter the labor force at different and lower-paying levels than men, Women as a group have less education and experience than men; therefor, they are paid less, and women tend to work less over time (pg. 231, Stanely, Zinn, and Smith).” While this is factual information it does not explain why men and women with the same education, work history, skills, and previous experiences have a difference in pay. It is time we fix not only the pay
The fight for equality amongst the genders has been a long one for American women. Although during the country’s history, the government has granted many rights to women, in hoping for equality amongst genders, these rights have been poorly enforced. Many companies still pay their women workers less than their male counterparts for doing the same job because of issues like cultural bias. Women cannot seek for equal pay because of their ignorance to the specifics of the wage gap or because of the fear of retribution. While all of this still holds true, California has taken a step further in closing the gender wage gap with the passing of the Fair Pay Act in 2015 which bans pay secrecy and retribution for inquiry of earnings. It is hopefully only through the strict enforcement of this act and the setting up educational programs that California can hope to successfully
Historically, women were thought of as inferior in physical strength, religious traditions, philosophical and have faced intense discrimination from a lack of legal rights and very little independence from their husbands and society at large. In many societies, women have long been viewed as less than fully human. Christine de Pizan in her book “The Book of the City of Ladies”1405, wrote that the oppression of women is founded on irrational prejudice, pointing out numerous advances in society probably created by women.
Gender inequality has maintained the suppression of women worldwide and unfortunately has impacted third world countries with the greatest magnitude. Everyday in these countries there are countless occurrences of physical, emotional, and psychological abuse that must be acknowledged as a primary concern for the world to help overcome. It is however important to recognize specific cultural and religious practices of gender hierarchy that are accepted by women in these countries. While keeping this in mind it is of paramount importance to keep sight of the consequences of abusing these cultural practices at the expense of women’s liberation and development.
In today’s society women are given ample opportunity just as much as men. In some countries, such as middle-eastern nations that is not the case. Muslim women are often perceived to be submissive to Muslim men and unequal. Mohammed never taught for women to be treated as lower class citizens. Nonetheless, the blame is pointed towards the religion of Islam. The Islamic religion began as all monotheist religions representing a belief in one God and moral standards. In the following essay I will discuss and elaborate what Mohammed taught, how women lived in early Islamic society, and what it has become.
Religion is a major cornerstone of human identity and culture. Anywhere you look on earth where there are people, there is a religion or set of beliefs that those people follow. Many times, the teaching of these Religions can be twisted and manipulated to justify gender bias. The Simple truth is people are treated very differently based on their Gender by followers of two of the most popular religions in the world: Islam and Judaism. I am going to examine some ways the teaching of these two major religions are used to oppress, abuse, and differentiate women.
The oppression of women is based on false assumption and preconceived notions by the male domination world, has been obvious and responsible for paving the way for serious gender issues to emerge. Due to the narrow realms of activity in society, deprived from essential human rights, restricted educations scope, open to unhealthy physical and mental abuse, this society has not given women the opportunity to rise to their full potential. The impact of gender discrimination has not only affected the future of the women today but it has resulted in the slow progress of human mind in general.