
Escherichia Coli : An Causative Agent Of Infections Essay

Decent Essays

Uropathogenic Escherichia coli is a strain of bacteria that is defined as primary the causative agent of infections in the urinary tract. Many strains of this bacteria are specifically adapted to overcome host defenses. The signs of a potential urinary tract infection include inflammation and shedding of the epithelial cells that line the urinary bladder. Importance
Study into this field is crucial for human and animal populations around the world. The importance of studying this organism includes, but is not limited to: developing a technique of how to combat active infections, understanding how the organism penetrates a host’s defenses, and to develop practices that will prevent repetitive infections.

Uropathogenic species of microorganisms are extremely resistant to medical treatments. More recent studies have shown that even with the implementation of antibiotics reservoirs of bacteria can survive. A reservoir refers to any place or substance that can harbor infectious agents under normal circumstances. The term is typically used in microbiology to reference the source of infections agents that can infect individuals.
Urinary Tract Infections have a large net effect on a variety of populations around the world. The disease is highly frequent and associated medical costs are also high. It is estimated that approximately one third of the female population in America will be plagued with at least one Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) before they reach the age

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