Do you know someone that would not care about messing up, or risking other people lives, possibly their owns as well, by simply multitasking at the wrong time and place? People seem to be on their phones constantly, even while their driving. Some states are now making it illegal to drive whole holding a hand held phone. This is a great change to make because it means that there will be a lot less accidents, and new sights that you get see while you drive on the road. First thing a person thinks about when they think there is no more hand held phones while driving is, there would be a lot less accidents. I once watched a video on the Internet that showed a free writing poem "come to life". This anonymous writer labeled it look up as a …show more content…
If making it a law to not have your phone in your hand as you drive shows you new things than let the law stay. Car commercials such as Ford or Dodge seem to show similar things in their cars. It usually consists of: someone unloading a car, talking on the phone through bluetooth, changing stations or music with voice commands, or even their kids sitting in the background using the Wi-Fi they receive from the car. My mother uses the bluetooth feature in her Jaguar every time she gets a call while driving. The need of using your phone in the car is useless so there really is no reason for the law to be in place in the first place. Constantly on the TV and on billboards are awareness shown on a broad scale to make sure that we as safe drivers know to stop sending text while driving. It is statistically proven that there are less accidents if people put their phones while driving. As people take trips or go to new places they see astonishing views and you could never do that if your looking a down at your phone. The person in the driver seat is fully responsible for what happens to them and other people of the road so the laws do need to be in placed for not only our protection, but for fellow passengers
Argumentative Research Paper Did you know according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 5,474 people were killed in the United States due to distracted driving incidents and 448,000 were injured in these accidents. (“Texting While Driving” Data Base). Britney is about to turn sixteen this Sunday, she is wishing her parents buy her a car. Britney birthday is today she got a new Ford Focus. Britney decided to visit her friend's house to show off her new car.
In a local news station called KCTV5 they did a report on an accident caused by texting and driving and this is what happened, “A 16-year-old girl has been charged with manslaughter, assault and texting while driving in connection with a September 2011 fatality collision. It's a moment the young driver can never take back, and one prosecutors said could have been avoided if she'd just put down her phone.” This is just plain sad that a 16 year old girl’s life just ruined because she choose to text and drive. Texting and driving is a humongous debate in our society because of how many people do it. People die due to texting and driving every day. people can go to jail for texting and driving and you can hurt other people. Texting and driving is dangerous and should be enforced.
This includes the House Bill 1013 which went into effect back in October. It bans any driver of a motor vehicle to engage in text messaging. A few other states that ban the use of a cell phone while driving are Illinois, California, New York, and Indiana has a ban on any one under the age of 18.
It’s time to stop texting while driving. Most of the accidents are accused of distracted driving and most of the distractions are most of the time caused by cell phones. However, some opponents feel that creating a law against cell phone use infringes their personal rights. Other people assume that prohibiting from someone from using their cell phone is the same thing in just like telling someone that they can't adjust their radio or chat with someone else in the car. However, using a cell phone, whether you are texting or talking, while driving can be extremely dangerous; That should be made illegal in the fact that it is very hazardous to
Over our civilization’s history, there have been countless technological advancements that essentially changed our whole way of life. As we have grown and adapted to these changes, we believe to have also acquired the ability to juggle our time and multitask easily. What we don’t realize is that this multitasking isn’t enhancing our way of life, but teaching us to slightly focus on many different things. Too many times we find ourselves texting or streaming photos on our phone while having a conversation with someone, and by “conversation” I mean spacing out and replying meaningless and unresponsive answers out loud. If texting has the power to make us seem dull, lifeless and passive towards a mere conversation, then how are we supposed to be alert and attentive while driving when we can only seem to keep one hand on the wheel and the other on the send button? In order to ensure the safety of every individual on the road, every state within the US should make texting while driving illegal.
Cell phones have become an essential part of many peoples’ lives as they are one of the main sources of communication. People are able to complete many tasks using their phones, such as making phone calls, sending and receiving e-mails, text messaging, and even snapping photos. Cell phones are not only beneficial, but they are impactful in many ways. As many positive uses there are for cell phones, cell phone usage can be undoubtedly precarious while driving. Cell phone usage while driving is many times done irresponsibly and can put the driver at risk of getting injured. In addition to the driver getting injured, innocent pedestrians could also potentially lose their lives or be crippled due to a texting person who was driving at the same time. According to The Federal Communications Commission, “over 8 people are killed and approximately 1,161 are injured daily in incidents reported as distraction-affected crashes in the United States.” Texting while driving has become the number one distraction of drivers and main cause of car crashes. These crashes could result in hundreds of thousands of people either losing their lives or experiencing life-changing injuries. Although cell phone usage is an effective way to communicate with others and to complete certain tasks, it has become problematic for drivers in recent years as it increased the risk of injury and death while driving. For these reasons, texting while driving should be illegal and punishable by law.
Many accidents are blamed on distracted driving and most of the distractions are caused by cell phone usage. However, some opponents feel that creating a law against cell phone use infringes their personal rights. Others think that banning someone from using their cell phones is equivalent to telling someone that they can't adjust their radio or chat with someone else in their car. However, using a cell phone, whether talking or texting, while driving can be extremely dangerous; it should be made illegal because it is very hazardous to yourself and the people surrounding you, can lead to the death of loved ones, and it is even compared to the danger level of drunk driving. No matter what age the driver is, under no
But even with being able to use hands free devices, drivers still tend to text and take phone calls whist in motion, and at any given time of the day 800,000 drivers are using hand-held phone while driving. (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration), and there was one fact that really made me realize how much of a problem
In today’s day and age, technology has drastically increased. People seem to rely on the use of their devices more than anything. Typically, whenever and wherever, everyone is engaged in some form of technology, cell phones in particular. From pagers, to car phones, to initial “flip-phones”, and now to smart-phones, people practically use up most of their daily time with these devices. Nowadays, a lot of people doesn’t even like to have phone conversations…they can deliver their entire thought through a simple text message. In some retrospect, that’s a very good thing; in others, it can be extremely crucial, especially when it comes to texting and driving. Texting and driving has been the leading cause of car accidents in the recent years,
Distracted driving; most of us are guilty of it without even knowing it. Distracted driving is doing anything else unrelated to driving while behind the wheel. This could include: using a cell phone, changing the radio station, eating food, and even having a conversation. The most distracting of them all is using a cell phone because it requires the user to manually input information. The laws surrounding texting while driving are far too lenient when compared to laws on drunk driving, yet both can end in a car crash. People texting while driving should face steeper penalties than what is already in place because they are a danger to anyone around them. The small fines are not enough to deter people. While banning cell phones from being allowed in vehicles is not an effective approach to the problem, stricter laws should be put in place to make the roads a safer place. Texting while driving penalties should be treated with a similar severity that DUI charges are. The penalties for texting and driving need to be increased because it would make the roads safer, increase the government’s revenue, and help solve the problem of texting while driving.
Driving is a privilege. It also comes with endless responsibilities. You are in charge of maneuvering a 2,000 pound vehicle and have your life and possibly multiple lives in the palms of your hands. Why would you want to end someone’s or even your own life? Texting is the answer of how you could end your life quickly in a car. Your text can wait. It would be better to get to you location fashionably late, than not get there at all.
According to NHTSA, drivers that are in their 20’s contribute to 27% of the distracted drivers in deadly crashes. This statistic really hit home for myself, and I found this statistic to be extremely scary. This is because this is my current age group. Another surprising texting while driving statistic is that the minimal amount of time one’s attention is taken away from the road while texting and driving is five seconds. It is scary that five seconds is the minimal time, which means most people spend more than that not looking at the road while texting and driving. It is scary that one can take their eyes off the road for that many seconds without feeling any remorse. An accident can happen in a blink of an eye, and it can most definitely
Good morning everyone, today we call our world as busy world or multitasks world and with the rush-rush-rush mentality most people have these days; it's no surprise that more and more people are driving while distracted. Eating, talking or texting on a mobile phone, making adjustments to the radio, talking with passengers -- all take a driver's focus off of the road.
Texting while driving is a controversial subject. The vast majority of people feel that texting while driving should be illegal. Most people also feel that legal actions need to take place to stop this behavior. However, I’m part of the small majority that disagrees with the main point of view. I believe that texting while driving shouldn’t be illegal and that states that have made it illegal need to repeal those laws. Texting while driving isn’t the true problem. The true problem is that people get distracted easily. So I believe that making texting while driving illegal doesn’t even solve the problem. Another reason why it shouldn’t be illegal is that people don’t follow laws as it is, and this can cause even more problems. Texting while driving should be the driver’s choice, not the government's choice.
Even though in today's time everyone has a cell phone and that it's not new to the world. There are some disadvantages and advantages on having a cell phone. One advantage is that it helps with communication with family and friends in today's time. One disadvantage with having a cell phone is that when people receive a phone call or text they want to answer it right away no matter if you're driving or not so it causes distraction and it's dangerous to text and drive. People should not text and drive because it’s against the law, people could die, and it’s unnecessary.