
Essay On Becoming A Member Of NHS

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The National Honors Society is a prestigious society in which only those whom possess qualities worthy of a member are notable of saying they are a member. Such qualities that a member must have are leadership, academic excellence, service to their school and community and personality. I can assert you that I acquire each of these attributes and deem myself worthy of becoming a NHS member. The National Honors Society not only does admirable work in the school, but in the community and I would be honored to contribute. As a potential member I can assure you that the qualities listed above are those I hope to contribute to the existing group of members. I hope to convince you that I possess such qualities to confidently in the future become a member of NHS. To begin with, I would like to share the first quality a NHS member must bear which is …show more content…

This is an essential attribute because as a part of NHS you perform plenty of community service. I have completed plenty of community service and through it I have learned that one should not be selfish and always try to help others. Today no one knows if they are going to need help and one should always try to give back for what they have. Community service is an activity everyone should try to do often because there is always a satisfying feeling after you help others without getting anything in return. I have taken all the chances I can to help others whether it be at school or out in my community. I have gotten the chance to help at concessions and school events such as the health fair and the Adams Halloween Carnival. The times that I have helped have always left me with the feeling afterwards of satisfaction because I could have been at home on my phone, but instead I was helping out. With this experience I feel I would greatly participate in the NHS community service events if I became a

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