
Essay On Business Etiquette

Satisfactory Essays

This memo’s purpose is to discuss the findings on the research of Iceland’s general business etiquette, and understanding how it relates and differs to our own. Our goal for this research is to better understand the country’s business practices for effective, future collaboration. Understanding Iceland’s culture will set our company up for strong communication, and will promote a positive and welcoming experience.

To summarize, the country of Iceland is similar to the United States in many practices. Our two countries share extremely close scores in uncertainty avoidance, long term orientation, and indulgence. Individualism, power distance, and masculinity are the main categories of differentiation. Properly understanding these …show more content…

Icelandic managers are consulted as frequently as the individual employees, whereas American managers are sometimes posed as “untouchable”. Understanding this difference in power distance between the two countries will help to not exclude anyone during consultation. Those who may just be given a general update in American may be included an active project team member in Iceland. Since this is a collaboration between our two countries, it is detrimental that everyone is properly notified to begin with, so this should not be an issue.

Similar to the United States, Iceland has a generally high sense of individualism, but not as high as our country. While we both hold value in looking out for ourselves and our families, Americans are much more focused on the idea of equal rights. Individualism relates back to power distance through the ideals of look out for a personal “team”. One of the biggest similarities between our countries in the category of Individualism is that general business decisions are made based on employee merit and work-related evidence. For example, Americans are usually chosen for jobs because they possess the best qualities or most experience. The same goes for the Icelandic culture. Ultimately, the United States and Iceland both share a high score, yet we must remember to not be too eager in our practices of interdependence.

Finally, the most significant difference between Iceland and the United

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