
Etiquetty And Corruption In Business And Key Business Values In Iceland

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In Iceland, key business values include honesty, accountability, independence, and friendship. Being a highly nationalistic country, showing sincere interest in Iceland is highly appreciated. Keeping one’s word generally carries the same weight as a contract in this country. Iceland is rated in the top ten of the least corrupt countries in the world, meaning that transparency is something they hold in high regard. As a result, bribery and corruption are generally taken very seriously. In Icelandic culture, there is always a place for socialization, meaning it is appropriate to invite a business partner out for dinner or a drink following a business discussion or meeting. Business Meeting Etiquette
When scheduling meetings with Iceland, be sure to use a twenty- four-hour clock in order to prevent misunderstandings. Punctuality is highly valued as well, so be sure give heads up about a possible delay, it is always a good idea to arrive in advance. It is also highly recommended that appointments are scheduled in advance whenever possible. Meetings tend to be concise and to the point and meeting over coffee, a drink, or dinner is common. It is always expected that a foreigner dress formally. Also, Icelanders tend to mix business with pleasure and may ask a visitor over to their home to talk about business. Always be sure to bring a small gift along whenever invited into a home as this is customary and expected in this country; foreign wine is almost always a safe bet.

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