
Essay On China's One Child Policy

Decent Essays

China, in the late 1970s, had an unbelievable population; close to one billion. With such an alarming number of people and limited resources, even in such a large nation, there had to be an even larger change. China’s one-child policy was a remedy to this problem, and helped Chinese citizens in many ways. Without the policy, China would have many economic problems and serves all of China with its rules. China’s one-child policy was an excellent idea for China and its people because of the evidence that suggests that it will keep population in-check in the future, that it creates a society with less gender standards and more equality, and higher intelligence rates among children. With such a large number of people in one nation, …show more content…

Even further in life, China is showing a promising future for the female citizens, “In cities such as Shanghai and Dalian young women today enjoy a marriage market that favors brides and a job market with attractive opportunities earmarked for ‘feminine’ applicants” (Greenhalgh and Winckler 511). Moreover, China also says that even the best paying jobs in social service are easier for women to obtain. This is described by anthropologist Vanessa Fong, adding that “...Some of the hottest and best paying jobs in today’s globalizing social service economy...are open exclusively to young women with good looks and sex appeal” (Greenhalgh and Winckler 511). With such blossoming opportunities for women in the future job market, the policy positively affects China’s female population as well as the male population by promoting more equality in employment. Finally, China’s youth has also seen higher rates in positive areas. Specifically, in intelligence. This is due to the one-child policy that China inforced, since this increase is found in children that grew up without siblings. An article explores further into this, explaining that, “Chinese research finds advantages to being an only child: They tend to score higher on intelligence tests and are better at making friends” (Lim 515). In addition, the policy also prevents families and their children being

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