
Essay On Creative Work

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The creative work that I have chosen is the show The Office. More specifically, the very first episode of the second season, also known as “The Dundies”. This specific episode has three creators, Rinky Gervais, Greg Daniels, and Stephen Merchant, and they all come together to create a hilarious episode. This amusing episode made me go through uncontrollable fits of laughter and tears. It’s just that good. “The Dundies” is an episode that shows the office manager, Michael Scott, who happens to be very excited, conducting the annual awards ceremony for the office while his employees suffer through it. You would think that the employees would be excited to get awards for all the hard work that they do every day however, in a hilarious …show more content…

For example, there are stereotypical jokes about race and religion, which could obviously anger or offend certain groups of people who may be sensitive about these topics. So if you are one of those people who may become upset about these types of comments then I wouldn’t necessarily recommend this show for you to watch yourself. The first review that I have found is by Travis Fickett. Fickett starts off the review by summarizing the episode and the events that transpire during it. He goes on to explain the different plot twist that also go on during the episode, such as the way the employees treat Michael during this episode, which is in a completely different way than the episode from the first season. The other twist that Fickett describes is how the character are starting to develop, which is something you may notice yourself if you watch this show on a daily basis. He compliments the moments of the supporting character who provide humorous comments throughout the episode. This is something that I strongly agree with because I feel that most supporting characters on shows are unnecessary and they don’t really add anything. However, the supporting character for the Office are funny and they always add that extra bit of humor that you wouldn’t normally expect from a minor role and they share the spotlight with the main characters of the show. Fickett then goes on to describe how this episode really puts

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