
Essay On Data Collection

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Techniques of Data Collection:- For this study, the interview schedule related to economic, social background of the respondents , health awarness in Schedule caste and backward caste was prepared for the data collection. The study was based on primary and secondary data which will be gathered through different sources. The secondary data was collected from different government organizations and publications. The Interview schedule was prepared for collecting the primary data. Table 1 Age wise disribution of the respondents Age Group No. of Respondents Percentage 25-35 27 45.00 36-45 13 21.67 46 and above 20 33.33 Total 60 100.00 Table 1 reveals age wise distribution of the respondents. It shows that 45 percent respondent …show more content…

So, majority of respondents were defecating inside. Table 5 Occupation wise distribution of the respondents Occupation No. of Respondents Percentage Govt. sector 07 11.67 Private 09 15.00 Business 15 25.00 Agriculture 17 28.33 Housewife 12 20.00 Total 60 100.00 In table 5 occupation wise disribution of the respondent 28.33 per cent are in agriculture occupation, 25 per cent are in business, 20 per cent in housewife and only 11.67 per cent are in govt. sector. So majority are in agriculture occupation. Table 7 Income wise distribution of the respondents Income No. of Respondents Percentage Upto 5000 00 00.00 51000 to 1 lakh 39 65.00 1 lakh to 2 lakh 12 20.00 2 lakh and above 09 15.00 Total 60 100.00 Table 7 income wise distributions, 65 per cent respondents belonged to 51000 to 1lakh income group. 20 per cent respondent’s belonged 1 to 2 lakh income groups. Only 15 per cent respondents were belonging to above 2 lakh income group. Table 9 Distribution of respondents access these (sanitation) programmes Response Programmes Respond Percentage Lack of awarness Lack of education Other If , No 16 (26.67%) 09 (9%) 03 (5%) 28 46.67 Yes 00 00 00 32 53.33 Total 16 09 03 60 100.00 Table 9 shows the distribution of respondent’s access these (sanitation) programmes. When we asked to the respondents about the access these programme, majority of them i.e., 26.67 per cent reported that they lack of awarness no

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