
Essay On Digital Transformation

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If public institutions can gain the required internal support, as well as obtain the needed funding and showcase a positive ROI, then they will be able to readily make improvements that will boost short-term operating efficiencies and facilitate the long-term success. Apart from the numerous challenges that can make it difficult to start a digital transformation initiative in the public sector, the opportunity for greater efficiencies and growth justifies the efforts. Here are 10 benefits of digital transformation in the public sector:
 Better ability to meet customer expectations
 Increased cross collaboration between departments
 Greater agility within IT to meet the business needs
 Improved competitive position within the market
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This action cluster is presenting the joint efforts of initiatives across Europe to ensure the following two main objectives:
- Enabling citizens with the tools and opportunities to create and problem-solve and
- Facilitating conversation between stakeholders, so citizens’ voices are not only heard, but instrumental in designing solutions.
The Citizen Focus Action Cluster has identified a list of principles and facilitators for citizen engagement that can be put into practice to smart city projects. These can be viewed as general criteria collected by the diverse pool of projects and engagement strategies represented by the Citizen Focus Action Cluster and the European Parliament.
• Simple - “Aim to facilitate understanding and usage”
In order to grasp citizen’s attention and facilitate the common language between professional and technical from one side, and translating into a language that can be easily understood by the residents, so that they can support them in their daily lives and problems. Vice versa, the ability to understand the complexity implied in voices and concerns expressed by citizens and to transfer it back into urban policy planning as well as technological research and design is also

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