
Essay On Dog Desensitisation

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Fears and phobias are reversed by using operant conditioning techniques such as desensitisation, combined with positive re-assosiation in order to help turn a negative association into a positive one (positive rewards). Whilst helping a dog overcome a fear of something using desensitisation or immersion therapy, a dog will always choose avoidance, but if the dog is allowed the option to choose avoidance, the fear will never be overcome. So the only way a dog will overcome it's fear of bicycles would be to face it and work towards a more positive assosiation. Positive rewards are useful in this instance. A strong smelling food treat would be ideal, so that the dog is more keen on the reward it receives.
Regarding a dogs fear of bicycles, desensitisation would be an ideal way to help a dog …show more content…

Why is timing important when using treats as part of a behaviour modification program to help overcome a fear or phobia?
When overcoming a fear or phobia with the use of treats, it is important to get the timing right. For example, a dog that is rewarded whilst still in a fearful state would make matters worse. A reward must be used to get the dog's attention and take it's mind off the source of the fear. It is important that you do not unintentionally reward the wrong behaviour as this can confuse a dog and encourage unwanted behaviour instead of the behaviour you want, whilst also prolonging the behaviour modification process.
The key to rewarding behaviour is also reifnorcement, not bribery. Reinforcement is basically a reward given for a job well done, whilst bribary would be showing a dog a treat before the wanted behaviour, and only then giving them the reward. Bribery is best to be avoided as if you do not, you could create a dog that will only follow your commands when bribed with food and this is not ideal. So only show a dog the reward AFTER they have successfully completed a behavior, and not

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