
Essay On Family Immigration

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Immigration is a touchy subject. Immigration is divided into many different categories; there is family based immigration, Employment based immigration, Refugees and asylees, their is also A diversity visa program and other forms of humidity relief. The main categories being family based, employment based, and refugees and asylees. The U.S immigration law is very complex and confusing, but is much needed, which will be explained, detailed in this paper. Family based immigration allows a U.S citizen or an LPR (lawful permanent resident) to bring certain family members to the United States meaning spouses of the U.S citizen, unmarried minor children under the age of 21, and parent of the U.S citizen that is over 21. A limited number of visas are available every year the number starts out as 480,000 and then is subtracted by the number of immediate related visas during the previous year and then the number of “paroled” aliens. By law the number can not be lower than 226,000. The family based immigration system, summarized; U.S citizen adults with spouses, unmarried minor children and parent are allowed an unlimited amount, A U.S citizen with Unmarried adult children are allowed a limited number of 23,300 allowed to come over. The good part about this is that people that come over legally can be reunited with their families. The sad part about it is that most families don't get to because of the “aliens” that come over illegally. Now, yes, I wonder that it's maybe hard where they …show more content…

Asylum is available to a person who is already in the united states seeking protections based on the five categories. There is know limited number of people who can be granted asylum. Refugees and Asylees are both based on protection and protecting the people involved with the situation. A situation like some is testifying against someone and they need protection that what these two categories are

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