
Essay On Person Centred Care

Satisfactory Essays

Hi my name is Donna we are here today to talk about person centred care.

Person centred care is where the care goes beyond the normal individualised care duties for patients, Person centred care promotes and supports the well being of the person with dementia, and improves the quality of life of people with dementia. Kitwood (1997) promotes that the person with dementia is equal to that of the person who is caring for them. Many researchers in the field of dementia agree that, despite a loss of cognition, the person who has dementia is still a person with the same attributes of a human being as any other person (Kitwood 1997).
Person centred care provides a set of guiding principles for our actions in the field of dementia care that enable people with dementia to be in relationship with others. There are four major elements of care (VIPS), Valuing people, Individualised care, …show more content…

Validation is one of them. Validation Recognises and supports the persons reality (Kitwood & Bredin 1992). This is where we are sensitive to the person's emotions and feelings, we acknowledge and accept the person's reality, and we are directed by our knowledge of the person we are caring for. We have to use a great degree of empathy for the person with dementia and trying to understand the persons frame of mind, it doesn’t matter how chaotic, paranoid or hallucinatory it is(Kitwood 1997). You can incorporate validation into your routine. Like having a conversation and trying to understand what the person with dementia is trying to verbalise, and don’t dismiss the way they are acting or the activity the person with dementia may be expressing. Assistance should be given to enable the person to engage with everyday tasks as best they can, for example having a bath and getting dressed in ways that are comfortable and routine for them, including choices about how and when these are

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