
Essay On Preparing To Run

Satisfactory Essays

Baisyat 1
Anwesh Man Baisyat Professor Sharifian Texas Government 28 November 2017 Preparing to Run My address is 1714 Secretariat Ln, Irving, TX 75060 and my State Senate District number is 9. 1 Senator Kelly Hancock represents me in the Texas State Senate. I am planning to run for the Texas State Senate.
Senate District 9 is composed of some portions of Tarrant and Dallas Counties. District 9 has a total population of 847,465 and the age composition looks as follows: The people under the age of 18 is 241,747 while people between the ages of 18-64 is 535,302. Similarly, people above 65 years old are 70,416. Looking at these data we can say that District 9 is diverse in terms of age. The working population is higher compared to others. …show more content…

With the global warming issue going on as a hot topic in our nation, environment is an essential element to keep in mind. Human life and environment is like two sides of the same coin. Imbalance in the environment influences our life as well.
Immigration can be defined as migrating to another country or place for temporary or permanent settlement. Many people are migrating to our District 9 as well. These consists of both natural citizens as well as foreign alien immigrants. On one hand having these immigrants are not good as we need to share all our resources with them. On the other hand having immigrants is good as even they contribute to the society we live in and help in the development.
My political platforms are as follows:
Firstly, the surrounding or place that we live in is known as environment. It is really essential to have a healthy environment for an individual to live a healthy life. I believe that our country should do all the necessary actions in order to save and protect the environment.
I am in favor of the Right to Vote for all the citizens of United States except for those who are charged with criminal felony. Voting is a basic right and nobody should be deprived from it.
Every citizen should be free to do whatever they want and there should not be any interference. I believe that everyone has the Right to Privacy and the Government should not be breach into

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