
Essay On Rollershoes

Decent Essays

Rollershoes—shouldn’t be a toy to children Have you ever seen some children wearing the rollershoes and rolling on a street? How do you think about it, cool or dangerous? Does it suitable for every child to play? Some people are in favor of it, while others against it. In my view, I think rollershoes shouldn’t be a toy to children and it do not suitable for every child. First, children are too small to play it alone. Children, almost refer to the people who under the fourteen years old, don’t have much sense of danger. They tend to do everything that they are interested in. Every year, we can hear a lot about children’s death. You think that just because their parent’s carelessness? No, if children know what is dangerous what is safe, the children’s death can be reduced. If you give the rollershoes to your children as a gift, then your children play it alone. Imaging what will happen, if your kids wear it and roll it on the road. As for me, I would never let children play it alone. Second, it’s so dangerous. When I was young, I also played it. And I know how pain it would be, if you fall down with it. It was a Sunday afternoon, I wore my rollershoes, my father gave it to as a birthday present, to show my friends how to play it. I chose a slope to start my class. Beginning was great, but ending was so terrible. When the show was about to …show more content…

Children, almost refer to the people who under the fourteen years old, don’t have much sense of danger. They tend to do everything that they are interested in. Every year, we can hear a lot about children’s death. You think that just because their parent’s carelessness? No, if children know what is dangerous what is safe, the children’s death can be reduced. If you give the rollershoes to your children as a gift, then your children play it alone. Imaging what will happen, if your kids wear it and roll it on the road. As for me, I would never let children play it

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