
Essay On Sheridal Incident

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“On 01/21/2016, police responded to 5 Colin Drive in the City of Portsmouth in reference to an assault. Upon arrival, the victim Willie Mitchell) stated he was sitting on the couch when he noticed suspect 1, Donavan Sneed, standing on the porch and invited him in. He recognized Sneed as the same male that was involved in an incident that occurred an hour prior. The victim stated that when he entered, three additional suspects followed that he did not see in front of the home initially. The suspects were looking for a resident of the home, Courtney Davis, and some of her friends that had assaulted Sneed approximately an hour earlier. The victim assured the suspects that he was alone and the people they were looking for had left. At that time, all four suspects surrounded the victim when suspect 2, Jerry Harding, stated to the victim “You going to do this to my homeboy.” Before the victim could respond that he was not involved with the earlier incident, Sneed started to assault him. The victim attempted to defend himself when the other suspects grabbed his arms and held him. Sneed then punched him in the nose and the victim fell to the ground. The other suspects also began to assault the victim while he was on the ground. While being assaulted on the ground, he felt one of the suspects attempt to remove his wallet from his back pocket. The victim attempted to hold his wallet in his pocket and tell the suspects that he had no …show more content…

The victim was transported to the hospital and was diagnosed with a broken nose, fractured rib and did not require stitches for the laceration to the side of his head. The victim met with Detective Cornatzer on 02/05/2016 at 311 County Street in reference to this case. The victim provided the names of Donavan Sneed and Jerry Harding as two of the suspects. Detective showed Mitchell photos of both Sneed and Harding with him positively identifying

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