
Essay On The Hero In The Hero With A Thousand Faces

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Do heroes develop in set stages? Campbell makes a good argument that hero’s change in set stages. In The Hero with a Thousand Faces, Joseph Campbell defines and describes the archetypal hero in great detail so that familiar and seemingly commonplace stories may be understood and appreciated more deeply. He states, The hero is the man or woman who has been able to battle past his personal and local historical limitations to the generally valid, normally human forms.
The hero becomes one with everything, have a mystical marriage. Campbell states “She is also the death of everything that dies. (pg.95)” The novel also says “The mythological figure of the universal Mother imputes to the cosmos; the feminine attributes of the first, nourishing and protecting presence. (pg.94)”Another piece of …show more content…

The hero becomes one with his divine self. Campbell states “Like the Buddha himself, this godlike being is a pattern of the divine state to which the human hero attains who has gone beyond the last terrors of ignorance. (pg.127)”The novel also states “This image stands at the beginning of the cosmogony cycle and with equal propriety at the conclusion of the hero-task, at the moment when the wall of Paradise is dissolved, the divine form found and recollected, and wisdom regained. (pg.132)”Campbell goes on to say “Moreover, the unconsciously grounded delusions from which desires and hostilities arise are in both systems dispelled by psychological analysis and illumination. (pg.139)”This agrees with my topic by saying that the hero has to lose himself to truly be a hero and fulfill his duties.


The hero’s world has weird changes where he survives trails, test, and obstacles.

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