
Essay On Transnationalism In America

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Identity is the concept of what we believe in, where we grew up, what we look like, and our choices we make in life. We evolve overtime and occasionally we have no control of it. Central Americans migrate to America to have a better life but unfortunately, society alters their individuality. Identity forms solely on religion, language, and society. Transnationalism can affect Central Americans in many ways shaping their identity and who they are. In “Alla en Guatemala”, a young Pentecostal Guatemalan-American young woman was observed for eleven years on how she maintained her language and culture. “…participant-observation field notes in Amalia’s home, her Pentecostal church and her high school; audio- and video-taped interactions in home …show more content…

These circumstances have impacted their ethnic identity and the children on Maya in a massive way. Many children have tried to preserve their cultures and background but some also have erased it and adopted the Latino community. Adults have also learned to speak Mexican Spanish in order to indicate a Mexican rather than a Central-American distinctiveness. " may be easier for them to blend in with Mexicans rather than to draw attention to their linguistic and cultural differences, thereby avoiding discrimination” (Ek 74). Transnationalism also shapes Central Americans by their language. For the Mayan children, language was a huge part of their identity. Being influenced by Mexican Spanish and English made them less knowledgeable of their own Mayan language. “…intergenerational conflict is exacerbated with language since many immigrant children learn to speak English at school and Spanish on the streets…” (Batz 45). Amalia in “Alla en Guatemala”, traveled to Guatemala ever since she was a baby. She communicated with her family and friends and learned the difference between different Latinos/as. She knew the difference between the diverse Hispanics. Transnational experiences can give children linguistic, cultural, and emotional experiences that they can use in their everyday lives and carry on their

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