
Essay On Urban Store

Satisfactory Essays

I went to Urban Outfitters on Green Street in Champaign. Because of it was on Green Street, there is very limited parking. Most of their customers walk to the store rather than drive there. The outside of the store looks very clean and modern. It is made out of glass windows, so you can see into the store from the outside. The glass is clean and I assume that they clean it daily because it always looks clean when I pass the store. I think that it looks very inviting because of the modern look that it has. The front door is very clean and the entryway into the store is also clean. The store is very well designed. There are plenty of walkways for the customer to walk around, but there are also enough displays to keep the customers …show more content…

The grouping of the clothing is by lifestyle. Depending on the what the clothes are for, that is how the clothes are organized. The grouping make sense for the store. There are little things right next to the cashier, such as gift cards or accessories to try to get the customer to buy. Add-on items include hair accessories such as headbands and hair ties. I feel like all of the items are priced pretty well. I did not see any sales rack, which is not surprising because this store tends to be pretty highly expensive. I think that the staff is really engaged and they are trying to help the customer find anything that they may need. I was greeted right away right when I walked into the store. I think that there suggestions were pretty helpful. I told them I was looking for something for my sister and they directed me towards something that she may like. They are dressed in regular clothes that you may be able to find inside the store. I thin that they are very professional looking. I did not purchase anything in the store. I think that the store was pretty busy and it was very exciting and inviting. It smells nice, but I do not think that I would hang out in there for fun. The music matches perfectly with the rest of the store, but it is not too loud and it is very peaceful. The surfaces are inviting and the fabrics are really nice. I did not bump into any surfaces. There are many women in

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