

Decent Essays

“Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal” - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (NASA).
According to NASA, over the last century, human activities have increased carbon dioxide in the atmosphere above levels not encountered for hundreds of thousands of years. Knowing that our forests, plants, and oceans are absorbing only half of the CO2 emissions, scientists and environmentalists are perplexed: How do we save the future of the Earth? Scientists’ past predictions and climate change warnings are coming true for our generation: devastating hurricanes, intense heat waves, unexpected snowfalls, extinctions of species and plants. Various organizations have been founded to bring awareness to an ongoing global …show more content…

Upon second look, panda’s distinct black eyeshadow is splattered depicting an oil stain. This slight defacing of the innocent, all-beloved animal delivers a disturbing message: the use of fossil fuels poses a serious threat to planet species. Exploring in more detail, panda’s human-like hand, is holding a half-chewed bamboo, its exclusive food source, vital for species survival. The bamboo has protruding copper wires illustrating how human technology is interfering with nature. An on-going bamboo deforestation and source depletion pose a threat not only to an entire giant panda species wiping away its main food source, but also our ecosystem as a whole. Bamboos play a crucial part in cleaning the atmosphere of poisonous CO2, “Bamboo is stronger than steel and its root can reduce soil erosion by up to 75%. In this context, bamboo offers one of the quickest ways to remove vast amounts of CO2 from the atmosphere” (Thokchom et al., 2015).
The company logo, campaign name “Evollution” and the statement are placed at the bottom of the poster. The size and the colors, which do not stand out initially, are purposely done this way not to distract the viewer from the main character of the ad – the panda. The visual of something that people find “cute” immediately appeals to one’s emotions and not logic. The purpose of the text as a second statement is to further affirm its main point and to

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